Evil Player is a powerful, fast and flexible media player for your windows PC. Some of Evil Player's key features include Shoutcast, Icecast and Icecast2 support, low ...
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Evil Player is a fast, powerful and flexible media player for windows. Some of Evil Player's key features include Shoutcast, Icecast and Icecast2 support, low memory footprint and native support for several popular formats (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, AIFF an
Mini Player 是台灣開發者製作的一款免費音樂播放軟體,支援市面上大多數的音樂格式,包括 WAV、MP3、TAK、OGG、FLAC、APE 和 WMA 等等,也提供完整的 Unicode 支援,對於喜歡聽日韓歌曲的朋友來說就不用怕歌名等資訊變成一片亂碼。
2009年7月15日 - Evil Player is a fast, powerful, and flexible media player for Windows. Some of Evil Player s key features include Shoutcast, Icecast and Icecast2 ...
2009年6月18日 - Evil Player - A fast, powerful and flexible media player for Windows.
2008年10月22日 - 「Evil」這個字照字面上的解釋是邪惡的意思,不過Evil Player說邪惡可一點都不邪惡,如果有的話,大家應該會被他「超精簡」的介面給嚇到,就是乾 ...
Download Evil Player for Windows 95, 98, 98SE, Me, 2000, NT, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8 direct from Softonic secure servers Free Download Safe download Evil Player free download. Always available from the Softonic servers Free & fast download Always availa
Evil Player is a fast, powerful and flexible media player for windows. Some of Evil Player's key features include Shoutcast, Icecast and Icecas... SOFTPEDIA® DESKTOP Windows Windows Games Drivers Mac Linux MOBILE Android APK Phones Tablets ...
It is always handy to equip its computer with a convenient audio player. In this sense, Evil Player is a powerful and flexible software for Windows operating ...