What is is a public DNS resolver that provides a fast and private way to browse the Internet. Cloudflare Apps: built by world-class developers, ...
Azure DNS 私人區域提供簡單、可靠又安全的 DNS 服務,讓您不必建立及管理自訂 DNS 解決方案,就能在 VNET 中管理及解析名稱。這項新功能可讓您使用您自己的網域名稱,而不必使用目前 Azure 提供的名稱,而且可以解析 VNet 中與 VNet 之間的 VM ...
選對 DNS,速度快N倍 | T客邦
因為服務區域以及成本的考量,越接近根伺服器的DNS效能越高,表格數越多,越底層的DNS就 ... 軟體跑完之後會開起網頁測試報告,並告訴你若是改採namebench推薦的DNS,速度將比目前系統設定的快多少百分比,下方也是按照升冪排列,還有圖表可供 ...
IP分享器的NAT與DNS會有關聯嗎 ? - iT 邦幫忙:
就我所知, IP分享器本身不具備DNS daemon/解析功能, 絕大多數IP分享器是家庭/小公司用戶, 只要能設定使用ISP提供的DNS服務, 能正常上網就好, 何謂Authoritative DNS? Cache-only DNS? Forwarder? 那不是他們會關心的, 再者它還有資安和版本更新上的考量, 廠商 ...
Cloudflare's new speed and privacy enhancing domain name system (DNS) servers, launched on Sunday, are also part of an experiment being conducted in partnership with the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC). The experiment aims to understan
Cloudflare launches fast and privacy-focused DNS at
Cloudflare announced the launch of its new public DNS service on April 1, 2018. The company promised in the announcement that would offer faster speeds and better privacy than other public DNS systems provided by companies such as Google .