iPhone 8 外型大致上就是如此!HomePod 韌體洩漏出下一代 iPhone 外型與大量新功能

iPhone 8 外型大致上就是如此!HomePod 韌體洩漏出下一代 iPhone 外型與大量新功能

iPhone 8 到底長怎樣?我想大家應該都有底了!這次由 HomePod 的韌體當中發現了這張圖案,估計來看應該就是 iPhone 8 的外型,其實這樣的外型與兩個月之前的曝光(iPhone 8 外型長這樣!)差不多,依照其他小道消息指出,發表會時間可能會在 2017.09.17,距離現在此刻時間越來越近,可以開始慢慢熟悉這樣的面貌囉!


蘋果的家用智能音響在上一季亮相後就話題不斷,許多人也期待著十二月的上市能讓 HomePod 與 Amazon Echo 及 Google Home 一較高下。 而隨著九月即將到來,有關下一代 iPhone 的謠言更是滿天飛,但不外乎都是取消 Home 鍵、全屏式設計、臉部辨識功能等等。 上週,蘋果對開發者們釋出了 HomePod 的系統韌體供開發者們進行對 HomePod 的軟體適用...

HomePod iPhone8

HomePod iPhone8 相關文章



HomePod 不但確認iPhone 8 外觀,還曝光了屏幕尺寸及解像度!

1 天前 - iPhone 8 相關資料近日被越挖越多,昨日Apple 為HomePod 智能揚聲器所釋出的最新韌體中,被揭發內藏了iPhone 8 的圖案,從而確定其外觀設計 ...

HomePod Firmware Suggests iPhone 8 Split Status Bar, Tap to Wake and No Touch ID Under Display

Firmware for the as-of-yet unreleased HomePod has provided a wealth of information on the speaker itself and the upcoming iPhone 8, thanks to developers like Steven Troughton-Smith who have spent time digging into the code. Troughton-Smith shared a few ne

iPhone 8 Bezel-Less Display, Facial Recognition Features Spotted in HomePod Firmware

Apple is moving away from Touch ID fingerprint scanner technology to something that would allow you to unlock the phone by just looking at it, company's own code has revealed.

HomePod firmware reveals iPhone 8 design and facial recognition

Last week, Apple released the firmware of its upcoming smart speaker, the HomePod. It sounds like it was pushed out a bit earlier than expected as it isn’t supposed to come out ...

HomePod firmware seemingly confirms iPhone 8 front design & support for ‘Face ID’

Smith explains that the code indicates the existence of infra-red face unlock in BiometricKit, which is the framework responsible for Touch ID. The code further suggests that Apple’s face unlock feature will be able to detect partially occluded face and f


1 天前 - 上周,蘋果終於發布了首個HomePod固件,在了解關於這款智能揚聲器的一些細節同時,一位開發人員Steve Troughton-Smith在HomePod的代碼中 ...

HomePod Firmware Leaks More iPhone 8 Specs, Apple Smart Speaker Screen, Processor

The briefly available HomePod firmware last weekend did not only contain information on the smart speaker’s specs and features, but also details about Apple’s upcoming iPhone 8. While everything that’s known so far about the next-generation iPhone is from

面對著HomePod iPhone用戶會迷茫嗎

市面上幾款競爭產品優缺點都不一樣,營銷策略也很多,你該怎麼選?蘋果將會在今年年底推出他們的智能揚聲器 HomePod ,一些朋友提到,HomePod 高昂的售價或許會讓不少 ...

HomePod韌體確認iPhone 8搭臉部辨識

1 天前 - 在蘋果iPhone 8正式公布之前,不僅外部爆料達人、代工廠、配件商等卯起來爆iPhone 8的料,連蘋果自己也不例外。最新釋出的HomePod韌 ...

HomePod uncovers more new iPhone 8 features

21 小時前 - Yesterday we saw a sketch of the iPhone 8 design along with some new features that appeared in HomePod's firmware, including facial ...