WinUpdatesList v1.22 - 檢視windows更新的內容

WinUpdatesList v1.22 - 檢視windows更新的內容

WinUpdatesList 可以顯示所有已安裝在你的本地電腦上的 Windows updates(Service Packs 和 Hotfixes)。對於 Hotfix 修補程式,該軟體還可以顯示這些修補程式所更新的檔案清單。另外,它還允許你立刻開啟微軟網站上的 Web 連結來提供! 更多關於修補程式的訊息,卸載更新,複製更新訊息,或儲存訊息到 TXT/HTML/XML 檔案

WinUpdatesList displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes) installed on your local computer. For hotfix updates, this utility also displays the list of files updated with these hotfixes. In addition, it allows you to instantly open the Web link in Microsoft Web site that provides more information about the selected update, uninstall an update, copy the update information to the clipboard, or save it to text/HTML/XML file.

WinUpdatesList 檢視windows更新的內容

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WinUpdatesList v1.22 - 檢視windows更新的內容

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