
Pokémon Theme

Pokémon Theme is a song written by John Siegler and John Loeffler and performed by Jason Paige. It is the original theme song for the first season of the ...

Jason Paige( 傑森佩奇)【 共收藏5 首歌】

Catch the World with a Throw: A Tribute to Pokémon Go: 2 Pokemon Theme Song - Gotta Catch Em' All! 3 Pokémon Theme: 4 Viridian City: 5 Walkie Talkie Man.

Pokemon Theme Song

Pokemon Theme Song - Gotta Catch Em' All! The trends in the 90s. I want to be the very best, Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, ...


PokémonThemeisasongwrittenbyJohnSieglerandJohnLoefflerandperformedbyJasonPaige.Itistheoriginalthemesongforthefirstseasonofthe ...,,CatchtheWorldwithaThrow:ATributetoPokémonGo:2PokemonThemeSong-GottaCatchEm'All!3PokémonTheme:4ViridianCity:5WalkieTalkieMan.,PokemonThemeSong-GottaCatchEm'All!Thetrendsinthe90s.Iwanttobetheverybest,Likenooneeverwas.Tocatchthemismyrealtest, ...,