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Band Aid

Band-Aid Aquablock Sterile Strips 40 Pack. Band-Aid邦迪防水创可贴,40片. $5.99 ; Band-Aid First Aid Non-Irritating Paper Tape 2.5cm x 9.1m 1.


在英语中翻译创可贴 一个班迪创可贴就可以完全解决了. A band-aid and it was sorted. Well sir, I'm afraid this time you don't have the excuse of mescaline to ...

創可貼| 繁体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典

創可貼 ... a piece of material that you can put over a small cut in the skin in order to protect it and keep it clean: Timmy had sticking plasters ...

创可贴| 简体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典

创可贴 ... a piece of material that you can put over a small cut in the skin in order to protect it and keep it clean: Timmy had sticking plasters ...

What is 创可贴 in American English and how to say it?

What is 创可贴 in American English and how to say it? · 创可贴 · band-aid. Learn the word in this minigame: You need to ...


创可贴的英文是:Band-Aid,也就是大家熟知的“邦迪”。可以泛指“创可贴”。 例句:.


OK繃(英語:Adhesive bandage)是一種小型簡易的醫護用品,常使用在一些較小的傷口上,具有包護傷口作用。 「OK繃」的各地常用名稱. 中國大陸, 創可貼、止血貼.


创可贴(英语:Adhesive bandage)是一种小型简易的医护用品,常使用在一些较小的伤口上,具有包护伤口作用。 “创可贴”的各地常用名称. 中国大陆, 创可贴、止血贴.


Band-AidAquablockSterileStrips40Pack.Band-Aid邦迪防水创可贴,40片.$5.99;Band-AidFirstAidNon-IrritatingPaperTape2.5cmx9.1m1.,在英语中翻译创可贴一个班迪创可贴就可以完全解决了.Aband-aidanditwassorted.Wellsir,I'mafraidthistimeyoudon'thavetheexcuseofmescalineto ...,創可貼...apieceofmaterialthatyoucanputoverasmallcutintheskininordertoprotectitandkeepitclean:Timmyhadstickingplasters ...,创可贴...apie...