
在中文中翻译to work tomorrow - 例句英语

所以说你明天就可以上班啰? We need to figure out a schedule. I need to work tomorrow. Don't hit me in the face. I have to work tomorrow. 别打,别打脸我明儿还上班 ...

How do you say 我明天也要上班。 in English (US)?

这种翻译比较口语化,表达了明天我也要工作的意思,但更加随意和轻松。 I have to go to work tomorrow too. I have to work tomorrow too.


以下几种常见的表达方式可以表示“我明天上班”:“I will be at work tomorrow” 、“I will be going to work tomorrow” 、“I go back to work tomorrow” 、“I start work ...

明天不上班不是「Tomorrow is off」...常見的錯誤用法

同樣的道理,想想「明天不上班」要怎麼說? (X)Tomorrow will not work. (X)Tomorrow is off. (O)I am off tomorrow. (O)Tomorrow will ...


同樣的道理,想想「明天不上班」要怎麼說? (X)Tomorrow will not work. (X)Tomorrow is off. (O)I am off tomorrow. (O)Tomorrow will be my ...


明天正常上班上課英文怎麼說? 1. Tomorrow, work and classes will proceed as usual. 進行proceed 2. There will be a regular workday and school day ...

浩爾譯世界- 明天要上班啦 來補點簡單寒暄英文

明天要上班啦 來補點簡單寒暄英文,回去上班不用怕沒話聊( ... 回到工作崗位 開會見面不免要閒聊一下:「颱風天都好嗎~」 除了How was your day?

#nicole實用英文短句⁣ 如何用英文表達放颱風假? ⁣ 不要出門,明天 ...

⁣ 5. Do we need to work tomorrow? ⁣ 明天我們要上班嗎?⁣ ⁣

「上班」英文怎麼說? 說go to work 的話要小心!

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所以说你明天就可以上班啰?Weneedtofigureoutaschedule.Ineedtoworktomorrow.Don'thitmeintheface.Ihavetoworktomorrow.别打,别打脸我明儿还上班 ...,这种翻译比较口语化,表达了明天我也要工作的意思,但更加随意和轻松。Ihavetogotoworktomorrowtoo.Ihavetoworktomorrowtoo.,以下几种常见的表达方式可以表示“我明天上班”:“Iwillbeatworktomorrow”、“Iwillbegoingtoworktomorrow”、“Igobacktoworktomorrow”、“Istartwork ....