
在中文中翻译stillawake;Sorrytobotheryou,buttheladysaidyouwerestillawake.对不起打搅了不过那个阿姨说你还没睡呢;IsMissMartinstillawake?-Yes, ...,HowdoyousaythisinEnglish(US)?我还没睡醒呢·Ihave'twakedupyet.·Istillhaven'twokenup.Ihaven'twokenupyet.,以...。參考影片的文章的如下:


still awake-翻译为中文

在中文中翻译still awake ; Sorry to bother you, but the lady said you were still awake. 对不起打搅了不过那个阿姨说你还没睡呢 ; Is Miss Martin still awake? - Yes, ...

How do you say this in English (US)? 我还没睡醒呢

How do you say this in English (US)? 我还没睡醒呢 · I have't waked up yet. · I still haven't woken up. I haven't woken up yet.


以下几种英语表达方式都可以表示“你没睡醒”:You are not fully awake. 或者You haven't woken up completely. 或者You are still sleepy.

【道地英文】sleep over 不是「睡過頭」!那賴床、起床氣、補眠

不睡覺not sleeping · stayed up late 熬夜 · toss and turn 輾轉難眠 · a restless sleeper 睡覺不安寧的人 · insomnia 失眠 · pull an all-nighter 熬夜的人. 準備睡覺going to bed · 打盹take a nap · 睡覺sleeping · 不睡覺not sleeping


4. 很晚了,想問對方「還沒睡嗎?」可以說: • Are you still up? 或是Still up? (口語) 還醒著嗎? 很晚睡(熬夜)的片語也是用up: • I sat up late last night. • I ...


你是剛醒還是還沒睡? Tag那個常常凌晨3點還在線上的朋友叫他今天早點睡覺 Don't stay up too late!!! stay up 這個片語你一定沒問題但還是給你兩個 ...

睡睡醒醒 想學好文法但不管背多少公式還是卡住? 讓文法 ...

【劍橋辭典例句參考】 ... I've only just got up and I'm still half asleep (= not completely awake). 我剛起床,還沒完全醒呢。 ... Grandpa usually has/ ...

我还没睡醒呢 这个在英语(美国) 里怎么说?

我还没睡醒呢 这个在英语(美国) 里怎么说? · I have't waked up yet. · I still haven't woken up. I haven't woken up yet.


英文是:Have you just woken up?句子解释:wake up 英[weik ʌp] 美[wek ʌp] [词典] 醒来; 活跃起来; 引起注意; (使) 认识到; [例句]A cool shower wakes up the body and ...


在中文中翻译stillawake;Sorrytobotheryou,buttheladysaidyouwerestillawake.对不起打搅了不过那个阿姨说你还没睡呢;IsMissMartinstillawake?-Yes, ...,HowdoyousaythisinEnglish(US)?我还没睡醒呢·Ihave'twakedupyet.·Istillhaven'twokenup.Ihaven'twokenupyet.,以下几种英语表达方式都可以表示“你没睡醒”:Youarenotfullyawake.或者Youhaven'twokenupcompletely.或者Youarestillsleepy.,不睡覺notsleeping·stayeduplate熬夜·...