
基本釋義·bird's-eyeview·topview·airview.參考釋義.鳥瞰[niǎokàn].,鳥瞰...aviewfromaveryhighplacethatallowsyoutoseealargearea:ClimbtothetopoftheEiffelTowerifyouwantabird's ...,7天前·鳥瞰...aviewfromaveryhighplacethatallowsyoutoseealargearea:Climbtot...。參考影片的文章的如下:



基本釋義 · bird's-eye view · top view · air view. 參考釋義. 鳥瞰 [niǎo kàn].

鳥瞰| 繁体中文

鳥瞰 ... a view from a very high place that allows you to see a large area: Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's ...

鳥瞰| 繁體中文

7 天前 · 鳥瞰 ... a view from a very high place that allows you to see a large area: Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's ...

A bird's eye view 鸟瞰

鳥瞰a bird's eye view 意思是俯視,是因為居高臨下,一覽無餘,讓你能俯視全景。 例句. From the aeroplane we got a bird's eye view of the spectacular ...

潮流英语- A bird's eye view 鸟瞰

A bird's eye view 鸟瞰. 鸟瞰a bird's eye view 意思是俯视,是因为居高临下,一览无余,让你能俯视全景。 今日小常识. Every January Atlantic gannets ...

鸟瞰的英语翻译- 柯林斯汉语

从山顶可以鸟瞰全城。 [Cóng shāndǐng kěyǐ niǎokàn quánchéng.] From the mountain top you get a bird's-eye view of the whole city. 名. (书) overview.

bird's eye view

bird's eye view(n) ... 例句: We really wanted to ride on the London Eye and enjoy a bird's eye view of the city. 翻譯: 我們真的想搭倫敦眼,並且享受鳥瞰整個城市。

鳥瞰- English translation

Many translated example sentences containing 鳥瞰 – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

英語世界:放眼看世界- 香港文匯網

現在流行玩航拍機,近來經常見人玩航拍,航拍機有如在天空飛的小鳥,在高處俯視,可以拍到頂視圖(aerial view),亦即是鳥瞰圖,英文是a bird's eye view。


鳥瞰圖 niu5 ham3 tou4 (英文:bird's-eye view),或者譯做 俯視圖 fu2 si6 tou4 ,係指由高嘅角度睇一件物體嘅圖像,彷彿好似睇嘢嘅人係一隻飛緊嘅雀鳥。


基本釋義·bird's-eyeview·topview·airview.參考釋義.鳥瞰[niǎokàn].,鳥瞰...aviewfromaveryhighplacethatallowsyoutoseealargearea:ClimbtothetopoftheEiffelTowerifyouwantabird's ...,7天前·鳥瞰...aviewfromaveryhighplacethatallowsyoutoseealargearea:ClimbtothetopoftheEiffelTowerifyouwantabird's ...,鳥瞰abird'seyeview意思是俯視,是因為居高臨下,一覽無餘,讓你能俯視全景。例句.Fromtheaeroplanewegotabird'seye...