Install .net Framework in the Windows Server

影響平台.對於受影響版本的MicrosoftWindows上的Microsoft.NETFramework2.0ServicePack2、Microsoft....NETFramework4.6和Microsoft.NETFramework4.6.1,此 ...,NET4.8||WindowsServer,版本1809|64位元|.NET4.7.2|.NET4.8...2||WindowsServer2016|64位元|.NET4.6.2...。參考影片的文章的如下:



影響平台. 對於受影響版本的Microsoft Windows 上的Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2、Microsoft . ... NET Framework 4.6 和Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1,此 ...

NET Framework 與作業系統的預先安裝版本與相容性一覽表

NET 4.8 | | Windows Server,版本1809 | 64 位元| .NET 4.7.2 | .NET 4.8 ... 2 | | Windows Server 2016 | 64 位元| .NET 4.6.2 | .NET 4.7<br>.NET 4.7.1<br> ...

Enable .NET Framework 4.6.2

Open Server Manager. · Click Add roles and features. · Click Installation Type. · On the Server Selection dialog box, click Select a server from the server pool.

Articles for product: .NET Framework 4.6.2

An unofficial Microsoft Knowledge Base archive which is intended to provide a reliable access to deleted content from Microsoft KB.

Install .NET Framework 4 (or 4.6) in Windows Server 2016

.NET Framework 4.6 can be uninstalled from Windows Server 2016, but it does cause a number of built-in applications to also not work (such as ServerManager).

.NET Framework 4.6.2 離線安裝程式Windows

在Windows 7 SP1 和Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 中,Microsoft . NET Framework 4.6.2 會顯示為在控制台中的程式和功能下的已安裝產品。

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 開發人員套件語言套件

本文將說明sp1 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 開發人員套件7 Service Pack 1 Windows SP1 的(及) 。 Windows 8.1、Windows 10 (版本1507) 、Windows 10 年11 月 ...

NET Framework 4.6.2 Release Notes

Release 4.6.2 of the .NET Framework, released on 2016-08-02. gives an overview of all releases and versions of .NET Core.

.NET Framework 在Dell Security Management Server 安裝或升級 ...

NET Framework 4.7.2 位置取決於作業系統版本:. Windows Server 2008 R2、Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2016 和Windows Server 2019 包含各種可能與.NET 4.7.

.NET Framework 4.6 Updates

FREE WEBINAR ;. December, 2016 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 4.6.2 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB3205379) · MS16-155 ;.


影響平台.對於受影響版本的MicrosoftWindows上的Microsoft.NETFramework2.0ServicePack2、Microsoft....NETFramework4.6和Microsoft.NETFramework4.6.1,此 ...,NET4.8||WindowsServer,版本1809|64位元|.NET4.7.2|.NET4.8...2||WindowsServer2016|64位元|.NET4.6.2|.NET4.7