
1docisanintegratedhealthcareplatformdevelopedbyiAPPSHealthGroup,aFin-MedTechcompanywiththemissionofEmpoweringindividualstolivelifemore ...,4399位粉丝、已关注23人、209篇帖子-查看1Doc(@1doctecnologia)的Instagram照片和视频。,1doc是您的一站式医疗保健...

1doc on the App Store

1docisyourone-stophealthwellnesssolution,availableatyourfingertipsthathelpsyoumonitoryourbodycomposition,foodintake,exercise, ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **


1doc is an integrated healthcare platform developed by iAPPS Health Group, a Fin-MedTech company with the mission of Empowering individuals to live life more ...

1Doc (@1doctecnologia) · Instagram 照片和视频

4399 位粉丝、已关注23 人、 209 篇帖子- 查看1Doc (@1doctecnologia) 的Instagram 照片和视频。


1doc 是您的一站式医疗保健解决方案,触手可及。轻松访问您的员工福利,在全岛参与的诊所进行Scan & Pay,并购买健康和保健产品。让1doc 为您提供您应得的医疗保健,可 ...


1doc 是您的一站式醫療保健解決方案,觸手可及。輕鬆訪問您的員工福利,在全島參與的診所進行Scan & Pay,併購買健康和保健產品。讓1doc 為您提供您應得的醫療保健,可 ...

1doc Academy

Welcome to 1doc Academy! To start accessing course materials, please login to your account. If you are logging in for the first time, please check your ...

1doc on the App Store

1doc is your one-stop health wellness solution, available at your fingertips that helps you monitor your body composition, food intake, exercise, ...


Enhance your suite of medical offerings. Include virtual consult, medication delivery, prescription refills, preventive care, and guidance care (in addition to ...


1doc aims to help YOU achieve a “Healthier You” through 3P — Personalized, Predictive, and Preventive — Medicine, with the 3 pillars of our Health

在App Store 上的「1doc」

2024年1月31日 — 1doc is your one-stop health wellness solution, available at your fingertips that helps you monitor your body composition, food intake, ...


1docisanintegratedhealthcareplatformdevelopedbyiAPPSHealthGroup,aFin-MedTechcompanywiththemissionofEmpoweringindividualstolivelifemore ...,4399位粉丝、已关注23人、209篇帖子-查看1Doc(@1doctecnologia)的Instagram照片和视频。,1doc是您的一站式医疗保健解决方案,触手可及。轻松访问您的员工福利,在全岛参与的诊所进行Scan&Pay,并购买健康和保健产品。让1doc为您提供您应得的医疗保健,可 ...,1doc是您的一...