
2048 (遊戲)

遊戲的目標是在網格上讓相同的數值的方塊碰撞合併,最終取得數值為2048的方塊;在達成目標後,玩家可以繼續遊戲,創造出更大數值的方塊。作者花費一個周末,使用JavaScript ...

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How to play: Use your arrow keysSwipe with your fingers to move the tiles. Tiles with the same number merge into one when they touch.

2048 (遊戲)

遊戲的目標是在網格上讓相同的數值的方塊碰撞合併,最終取得數值為2048的方塊;在達成目標後,玩家可以繼續遊戲,創造出更大數值的方塊。作者花費一個周末,使用JavaScript ...


You join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Supports tiny (3x3), classic (4x4), big (5x5), bigger (6x6) and huge (8x8) board sizes.


只需滑動即可移動瓷磚。當兩個具有相同編號的圖塊接觸時,它們合併為一個。達到2048磚並繼續玩以解鎖更高價值的磚! ... 由負責屢獲殊榮的應用程序的團隊發布,包括 ...


想玩2048吗? 在Poki上免费在线玩此游戏。无聊的时候可以玩的很开心。2048 是我们最喜欢的智力游戏之一。

2048 Game

2048 is an easy and fun puzzle game. Even if you don't love numbers you will love this game. It is played on a 4x4 grid using the arrows or W, A, S, D keys ...

2048 Game

HOW TO PLAY: Use your arrow keys or swipe left or right, up or down to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one.


2048情侶版. 單身. 單身. 1.情侶版,你懂的。 2.執子之手,最後是墳墓嗎?努力後就知道了! 繼續更多遊戲. 搭訕. 搭訕.

Play Puzzle Game 2048

Play Puzzle Game 2048. Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one. Try to beat your high score!

在App Store 上的「2048」

簡介. Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Swipe to move all tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one.


Howtoplay:UseyourarrowkeysSwipewithyourfingerstomovethetiles.Tileswiththesamenumbermergeintoonewhentheytouch.,遊戲的目標是在網格上讓相同的數值的方塊碰撞合併,最終取得數值為2048的方塊;在達成目標後,玩家可以繼續遊戲,創造出更大數值的方塊。作者花費一個周末,使用JavaScript ...,Youjointhenumbersandgettothe2048tile!Supportstiny(3x3),classic(4x4),big(5x5),bigger(6x6)andhuge(8x8)boardsizes.,只需滑動...