Keynote 3 : Building a 360

Andersen'scustomerisnowrunningaunified360-degreeclientviewdatabase.Eachoftheprofilesitstorescontainsahistoryofinteractions,ahistoryof ...,The360degreecustomerviewfacilitateseasyandtotalviewofthecustomerdetailsandreducescustomerservicecomplexities...。參考影片的文章的如下:


A Retail Banking 360

Andersen's customer is now running a unified 360-degree client view database. Each of the profiles it stores contains a history of interactions, a history of ...

10. 360 Degree Customer View

The 360 degree customer view facilitates easy and total view of the customer details and reduces customer service complexities. Section 10.1.1, Invoking... · Section 10.1.12, Payments Tab

The 360

In theory, this view enables a financial institution to understand who its client is, what they need, how they behave, and the best way to deliver value to them ...

ABN AMRO builds a “personal bank in a digital age” with a 360 ...

ABN AMRO uses the 360-degree customer view provided by the CDP to improve its dialogue with clients through personalised, timely content on its online and ...

A 360

Poland's third-largest bank worked with Fiserv to create a centralized, customer-friendly solution for fees and product management, gaining a 360-degree view of ...

Banking Analytics - Customer 360 View

A 360 degree view of customers in the past has been mainly about getting all transactions and customer data into a data store or enterprise data warehouse to be ...

Maximize Banking Relationships with a Customer 360° View

This whitepaper explores how to achieve banking relationships with a 360° view of customers to gain rapid insight using Precisely technology.

How Financial Services Leverage Customer 360 in Banking

To help companies combat fragmented data and gain a 360-degree view of the customer, the Snowflake Financial Services Cloud centralizes data from various ...

Why a 360

The concept of a 360-degree view of the customer that contains not only a customer's transaction history but also their interactions with the business allows ...

What Is a 360-Degree Customer View?

A 360-degree customer view offers holistic insight into a customer's interactions, preferences and history with a business. Data is gathered from multiple ...


Andersen'scustomerisnowrunningaunified360-degreeclientviewdatabase.Eachoftheprofilesitstorescontainsahistoryofinteractions,ahistoryof ...,The360degreecustomerviewfacilitateseasyandtotalviewofthecustomerdetailsandreducescustomerservicecomplexities.Section10.1.1,Invoking...·Section10.1.12,PaymentsTab,Intheory,thisviewenablesafinancialinstitutiontounderstandwhoitsclientis,whattheyneed,howtheybeha...