
Andy Rubin - Apple Wiki

Andrew E. Andy Rubin (born March 13, 1963) is a former engineer of Apple Computer and a co-founder of Android Inc, creator of the Android operating system ...

Andy Rubin

Andrew E. Rubin (born March 13, 1963) is an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist. Rubin founded Danger Inc. in 1999 and left ... Danger, Inc. · Playground Global · Utica University

「Android 之父」安迪·魯賓因桃色事件Google 付錢要他走人?事情 ...

2018 年10 月,魯賓的前妻Rie Rubin 對前夫提起民事訴訟,她聲稱魯賓在婚姻期間與其他多位女性都存在「占有關係」(ownership relationships),曾向她們支出過 ...

Andy Rubin


Andy Rubin離職另有任務還是打入冷宮?

一手打造Android的Andy Rubin突然卸下肩負了8年的主導行動作業系統研發職務,據推測,Google CEO Larry Page早另有安排,Rubin可能被交付其他重大研發計畫。

Andy Rubin(@andyrubinski)• Instagram 相片與影片

1231 位粉絲、 5571 人追蹤中、 586 則貼文- Instagram 上的Andy Rubin (@andyrubinski):「 Vegan 12 Writer ⚾ ♐️ Mgmt @ameliawhitemusic @folkrockdiva ...

Andy Rubin

Andy Rubin為Android公司的共同創辦人,在Google於2005年買下Android之後,Rubin即移至Google負責Android專案,主導Android平台的開發並擔任Google的資深副總裁,不過隨微離開 ...

Andy Rubin - Simple Things

Over 3.7b active Android users! The power of open. · Simple Things · Utica College · San Francisco Bay Area · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Andy ...


安德魯·E·魯賓(英語:Andrew E. Rubin,—),常稱安迪·魯賓(Andy Rubin),是美國猶太裔電腦技術專家和企業家,領導開發了Android作業系統,有「Android之父」的 ...


AndrewE.AndyRubin(bornMarch13,1963)isaformerengineerofAppleComputerandaco-founderofAndroidInc,creatoroftheAndroidoperatingsystem ...,AndrewE.Rubin(bornMarch13,1963)isanAmericancomputerprogrammer,entrepreneur,andventurecapitalist.RubinfoundedDangerInc.in1999andleft ...Danger,Inc.·PlaygroundGlobal·UticaUniversity,2018年10月,魯賓的前妻RieRubin對前夫提起民事訴訟,她聲稱魯賓在婚姻期間與其他多位女...