Bubberisanicknameandsurnamewhichmayreferto:People:BubberorBubbaBrooks(1922-2002),Americanjazztenorsaxophonist;JamesBubberEpps(born ...,Noun·(obsolete)Apersonwhostealsplatefrompublichouses.·(obsolete)Adrinkingbowl.·(obsolete)Apersonwhodrinksalotofalcohol.,在AppleMusic聆聽Bubber的音樂。尋找Bubber最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《GetMeHigh(feat.Pathos)》、《StraightBusiness》及更多作品。,評分5.0(25,023)....


Bubber is a nickname and surname which may refer to: People: Bubber or Bubba Brooks (1922-2002), American jazz tenor saxophonist; James Bubber Epps (born ...


Noun · (obsolete) A person who steals plate from public houses. · (obsolete) A drinking bowl. · (obsolete) A person who drinks a lot of alcohol.


在Apple Music 聆聽Bubber的音樂。 尋找Bubber最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《Get Me High (feat. Pathos)》、《Straight Business》 及更多作品。


評分 5.0 (25,023) ... 因拍攝多少會有些微色差#實體店同步販售下標前請先詢問#實體店同步販售下標前請先詢問購買BUTTER GOODS TOUR BUBBER KEY CHAIN 橡膠鑰匙圈(兩色) 化學原宿.

Bubber Goes to Heaven

書名:Bubber Goes to Heaven,語言:英文,ISBN:9780195123654,頁數:96,作者:Bontemps, Arna,出版日期:1998/12/10,類別:童書(0-12歲)

Bubber Couture

Bubber Couture for men is minimalistic, sophisticated and unique. Our collection showcases an alluring affair of understated designs blended with rich ...

Bubber Couture

Bubber Couture is a decade-old renowned Luxury Couture Label based in Mumbai, India. Over the past 13 years, the brand has become South Bombay's best-kept ...

Bubber(@bubberinstagram)• Instagram 相片與影片

79K 位粉絲、 378 人追蹤中、 1559 則貼文- Instagram 上的Bubber (@bubberinstagram):「 Book mig som konferencier, ordstyrer eller til foredrag til dit næste ...

BUBBER COUTURE(@bubbercouture)• Instagram 相片與影片

BESPOKE | LUXURY Festive & Western, Mens & Womenswear By Aanchal & Sanjana Bubber By Appointment Only Worldwide Shipping ⚓ Pret Label @BubberBlu.

bubber, n. meanings, etymology and more

This word is now obsolete. It is last recorded around the late 1700s. See meaning & use. Where does the noun bubber come from? Earliest known use.