
Black Book (Switch) Review

2021年9月17日 — Black Book is a card-based RPG adventure set in 1800s Russia. It follows the story of Vasilisa, a young girl who is to become a witch but ...

深入俄國民間傳說黑暗風格冒險新作《黑色之書Black Book》 ...

2021年8月11日 — 由獨立研發團隊Morteshka 開發的黑暗風格角色扮演冒險遊戲《黑色之書(Black Book)》今日正式在PC Steam、PS4、Xbox One 和Nintendo Switch 平台上市。

Switch Limited Run #192

A fusion of card-based RPGs and Adventure games, “Black Book” is a haunting tale of a young sorceress, who gave her life to serve the dark forces. Dive into the ...

Save 60% on Black Book on Steam

Black Book” is a dark RPG Adventure, based on Slavic myths, in which you play as a young sorceress. Fight evil forces in card-based battles and explore the ...

Black Book

A fusion of card-based RPGs and Adventure games, Black Book is a haunting tale of a young sorceress, who gave her life to serve the dark forces.

Black Book for Nintendo Switch

A fusion of card-based RPGs and Adventure games, “Black Book” is a haunting tale of a young sorceress, who gave her life to serve the dark forces.

購買Black Book

Black Book” is a dark RPG Adventure, based on Slavic myths, in which you play as a young sorceress. Fight evil forces in card-based battles and explore the ...


2021年9月17日—BlackBookisacard-basedRPGadventuresetin1800sRussia.ItfollowsthestoryofVasilisa,ayounggirlwhoistobecomeawitchbut ...,2021年8月11日—由獨立研發團隊Morteshka開發的黑暗風格角色扮演冒險遊戲《黑色之書(BlackBook)》今日正式在PCSteam、PS4、XboxOne和NintendoSwitch平台上市。,Afusionofcard-basedRPGsandAdventuregames,“BlackBook”isahauntingtaleofayoungsorceress,whogaveherlifetoservethedarkfor...