
Cisco 推出全新XDR 解決方案助企業迅速偵測進階網絡威脅 ...

2023年4月26日 — ... EDR):CrowdStrike Falcon Insight XDR、Cybereason 端點偵測與回應、Microsoft Defender for Endpoint、Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR ...

Cisco Secure Endpoint(前身為AMP for Endpoints)

結合行為分析、機器學習和簽章式技巧,能夠遏止威脅入侵您的端點。 強大的EDR 功能. 使用進階端點和延伸的偵測和回應、威脅搜尋及端點隔離來縮減攻擊面 ...

What Is Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)?

An endpoint detection and response solution, or EDR, detects threats across your network. It investigates the entire lifecycle of the threat, ...

Cisco Secure Endpoint (Formerly AMP for Endpoints)

Stop threats with built-in or completely managed endpoint detection and response (EDR), threat hunting, and integrated risk-based vulnerability management from ...

What Is Endpoint Security?

Endpoint detection and remediation (EDR) ... An EDR solution goes beyond simple point-in-time detection mechanisms. Instead, it continuously monitors all files ...

Cisco Secure Endpoint Reviews, Ratings & Features 2024

Great, reliable and advanced EDR capabilities with Cisco Secure Endpoint. ... It is very good tool and best endpoints detect and response capabilities which ...

Cisco Secure Endpoint

Cisco Secure Endpoint 的重要功能. 多層面防禦. 結合行為分析、機器學習和簽章式技巧,能夠遏止威脅入侵您的端點。 強大的EDR 功能. 使用進階端點和延伸的偵測和回應 ...

What is Cisco EDR?

It is a comprehensive endpoint security solution that integrates prevention, detection, threat hunting, and response capabilities in one single platform.


2023年4月26日—...EDR):CrowdStrikeFalconInsightXDR、Cybereason端點偵測與回應、MicrosoftDefenderforEndpoint、PaloAltoNetworksCortexXDR ...,結合行為分析、機器學習和簽章式技巧,能夠遏止威脅入侵您的端點。強大的EDR功能.使用進階端點和延伸的偵測和回應、威脅搜尋及端點隔離來縮減攻擊面 ...,Anendpointdetectionandresponsesolution,orEDR,detectsthreatsacrossyournetwork.Itinvestigatestheentirelifecycleofthe...