
The2ndAssistantCameraman,whoisalsoknownasClapperorLoader,preparescameraequipmentbeforeshootingandcoordinatingthepackingattheendof ...,TheClapperLoaderworkscloselywithfocuspuller,changinglensesandfilters,helpingtoreconfigureshotsandoccasionallyass...。參考影片的文章的如下:


2nd Assistant CameramanClapperLoader (Data Wrangling)

The 2nd Assistant Cameraman, who is also known as Clapper or Loader, prepares camera equipment before shooting and coordinating the packing at the end of ...

Clapper Loader (2nd Assistant Camera)

The Clapper Loader works closely with focus puller, changing lenses and filters, helping to reconfigure shots and occasionally assisting with difficult ...

clapper loader

The clapper loader is responsible for marking each take and keeping the camera log. 打板員負責標記每個鏡頭以及做攝影紀錄。 以上來源於:《英漢大辭典》.

Clapper loader

A clapper loader or second assistant camera (2nd AC) is part of a film crew whose main functions are that of loading the raw film stock into camera ...


(film) A person employed to operate the clapperboard and to load film into the camera.

Definition & Meaning of Clapper loader

A clapper loader, also known as a second assistant camera, is responsible for managing the camera equipment and handling the clapperboard, which is used to mark ...


The clapper loader is responsible for marking each take and keeping the camera log. 打板員負責標記每個鏡頭以及做攝影紀錄。 以上來源於:《英漢大辭典》

Film Crew Position: Clapper Loader

The primary role of a Clapper Loader is to load and unload film magazines, mark scenes with the clapperboard, assist the focus puller with measuring distances, ...

Second assistant camera technicianclapper loader skills

Second assistant camera technician/clapper loader skills · 1. Prepare and test camera equipment before shoots · 2. Monitor supplies of camera equipment and ...


The2ndAssistantCameraman,whoisalsoknownasClapperorLoader,preparescameraequipmentbeforeshootingandcoordinatingthepackingattheendof ...,TheClapperLoaderworkscloselywithfocuspuller,changinglensesandfilters,helpingtoreconfigureshotsandoccasionallyassistingwithdifficult ...,Theclapperloaderisresponsibleformarkingeachtakeandkeepingthecameralog.打板員負責標記每個鏡頭以及做攝影紀錄。以上來源於:《英漢...