With Colortypist, you can type in a color by its name or code and see it fill your entire screen in real-time while you type. Colortypist lets you play around ...
Colortypist 4.0.1 | Type a color name or a web color code, and see the color fill your screen, in real-time, while you type. And set any color you like as a ...
Type a color name or a web color code, and see the color fill your screen, in real-time, while you type. And set any color you like as a Desktop Wallpaper.
Colortypist makes exploring, learning, and experimenting with colors as easy as typing. Choose from a variety of color formats like color names, hex triplets, ...
2023年6月8日 — - The Color Reference screen is now interactive, so you can easily select a color name or format by simply tapping it. - The app drawer has been ...