
100% Achievement Guide + DLC

2020年12月27日 — Pretty much the same deal like the Tower Runner achievement, know what you doing and don't waste too much time on the puzzles or running to ...

影片:: DARQ

2021年1月31日 — Steam 社群: DARQ. To commemorate DARQ's second free DLC The Crypt (December 4th) or included with the Complete Edition.


「Lloyd is back to explore the mysterious tower filled with new puzzles and creepiness. Playing this DLC does not require finishing the game.」.


Lloyd is back to explore the mysterious tower filled with new puzzles and creepiness. Playing this DLC does not require finishing the game.

購買DARQ Ultimate Edition

The Ultimate Edition includes: 1) DARQ: Original Game 2) The Tower DLC: Lloyd gets pulled back into the dream world only to find himself in a Tower filled ...


,,2020年12月27日—PrettymuchthesamedealliketheTowerRunnerachievement,knowwhatyoudoinganddon'twastetoomuchtimeonthepuzzlesorrunningto ...,2021年1月31日—Steam社群:DARQ.TocommemorateDARQ'ssecondfreeDLCTheCrypt(December4th)orincludedwiththeCompleteEdition.,「Lloydisbacktoexplorethemysterioustowerfilledwithnewpuzzlesandcreepiness.PlayingthisDLCdoesnotrequirefinishingthegame.」.,Lloydisbacktoexploret...