
droididisbuiltforIntelmacOSandsorequiresRosetta2tobeinstalled.YoucaninstallRosetta2with:softwareupdate--install-rosetta--agree-to- ...,DroidIDisanAndroidappthatletsyouunlockyourMacwithyourdevice'sfingerprintsensor,makingitveryconvenientandeasyforyoutounlockyouriMac/ ...,此后,当你需要解锁你的电脑时,只需下拉Android的通知中心,点开DroidID的常驻横幅,然后验证指纹,你的Mac便会立即解锁。,DroidIDis...


droidid is built for Intel macOS and so requires Rosetta 2 to be installed. You can install Rosetta 2 with: softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to- ...

DroidID APK for Android Download

DroidID is an Android app that lets you unlock your Mac with your device's fingerprint sensor, making it very convenient and easy for you to unlock your iMac/ ...

用你的Android 手机指纹解锁Mac:DroidID | App+1

此后,当你需要解锁你的电脑时,只需下拉 Android 的通知中心,点开 DroidID 的常驻横幅,然后验证指纹,你的 Mac 便会立即解锁。

DroidID 1.3 Free Download

DroidID is an Android app that lets you unlock your Mac with your device's fingerprint sensor, making it very convenient and easy for you to unlock your iMac/ ...

【Mac&android用户福音】用android的指纹解锁Mac? DroidID完美 ...

在Google Play上发现的一个非常牛逼的App,类似于之前iOS上的MacID和macOS Sierra上的新功能,这对于我这样的Mac & android用户简直是良心之作,所以做了这个视频来体验 ...

DroidID - 通过Android 设备,指纹解锁你的Mac 电脑

使用DroidID,也需要先安装一个macOS 的客户端,然后同时打开,在macOS 上输入DroidID 显示的一串六位字母,连接成功后,就可以扫指纹解锁啦。


DroidID allows you to use your Android phone's fingerprint sensor to securely and conveniently unlock your Mac, without the hassle of typing in your long, ...

theblixguyDroidID: DroidID

DroidID - Unlock your Mac using your Android phone's fingerprint sensor! Coverage Mac Contains the Mac client app's source code.

用你的Android 手机指纹解锁Mac:DroidID | App+1

DroidID 配置起来十分简单。分别在Android 端和macOS 端安装好后,首次在手机上打开DroidID,它会显示一个随机生成的代码:. 此时只要在Mac 上运行DroidID ...

DroidID for Mac

評分 4.9 (1) · 免費 · Mac OS · DroidID is an Mac app that lets you unlock your Mac with your device's fingerprint sensor, making it very convenient and easy for you to ...