
Ecosia這個名稱是「生態」(Eco)和「烏托邦」(Utopia)兩個字的結合,寓意是要打造一個「生態平衡的烏托邦」。Christian的想法是「參考」Google的商業 ...,評分4.2(180,460)·免費·AndroidDownloadtheEcosiaapptodaytoplanttreesasyousearch—it'scompletelyfree!Adblockerandfastbrowsing—TheEcosiaappisbasedonChromiumandgives ...,評分4.8(65)·免費·iOSDownloadtheEcosiaapptodaytoplanttreesasyousearch—it'scompletelyfree!....

「抄襲」Google 德國創業家靠「搜尋」種下1億棵樹

Ecosia 這個名稱是「生態」(Eco) 和「烏托邦」(Utopia) 兩個字的結合,寓意是要打造一個「生態平衡的烏托邦」。Christian 的想法是「參考」Google 的商業 ...

Ecosia - Safe Internet Browser

評分 4.2 (180,460) · 免費 · Android Download the Ecosia app today to plant trees as you search — it's completely free! Ad blocker and fast browsing — The Ecosia app is based on Chromium and gives ...

在App Store 上的「Ecosia」

評分 4.8 (65) · 免費 · iOS Download the Ecosia app today to plant trees as you search — it's completely free! ... This means more renewables (and fewer fossil fuels) in the electricity grid ...

Ecosia - The search engine that plants trees

This extension sets your search engine to Ecosia and customizes your new tab page so you can plant trees with every search.

Ecosia - Safe Internet Browser

評分 4.3 (180,376) · 免費 · Android 立即下載Ecosia 應用程序,邊搜尋邊植樹——完全免費! 廣告攔截器和快速瀏覽- Ecosia 應用程式基於Chromium,為您提供直觀、快速和安全的瀏覽體驗,提供您所需的一切,包括選項卡 ...


Ecosia uses 100% of its profits for the planet and produces enough renewable energy to power all searches twice over. Ecosia Tree Store · Ecosia's trees in Senegal · Ecosia's trees in Indonesia · Careers


Ecosia 編輯 ... Ecosia是一個總部位於德國柏林的搜尋引擎,他們將100%的利潤捐贈給非營利組織(Trees For The Future及其他),用於種植樹木。

The greenest browser on Earth

The Ecosia Browser has built-in green features that make it simple to be climate active every day. We produce 25Wh of renewable energy each day you browse.


Ecosia 這個名稱是「生態」(Eco) 和「烏托邦」(Utopia) 兩個字的結合,寓意是要打造一個「生態平衡的烏托邦」。Christian 的想法是「參考」Google 的商業 ...

Ecosia (@ecosia) • Instagram photos and videos

We're reforesting the planet, all you need to do is search with Ecosia. Follow for climate news, tips, and tree pics · Photo by Ecosia on March 12, 2025.