Effie Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2

評分5.0(2)·免費·EffieProMonthlyPlan$290.00;EffieProAIMonthlyPlan$390.00;EffieYearlyPlan$1,490.00;更多.開發者網站·App支援·隱私權政策·開發 ...,評分3.6(8)·免費·商業/生產力Fromasimpleinspirationpointtoacompletemindmap,andthentoabrilliantarticle,itemp...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「Effie

評分 5.0 (2) · 免費 · Effie Pro Monthly Plan $290.00; Effie Pro AI Monthly Plan $390.00; Effie Yearly Plan $1,490.00; 更多. 開發者網站 · App 支援 · 隱私權政策 · 開發 ...

Effie: Write, Mindmap & Note 4+

評分 3.6 (8) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 From a simple inspiration point to a complete mind map, and then to a brilliant article, it empowers you to transform your ideas into actual text.

Effie - Write & Mind map

評分 5.0 (1) - Effie AI supports processing longer texts with fewer restrictions. - New default font and preset font collections, revitalizing the creative environment. - ...

Effie: Write & Note

+ 簡化的標記語言讓您無需將手指從鍵盤上移開即可完成寫作。 + 您可以選擇以深色或淺色主題書寫,以提高您的創造力和生產力。 + 直接從軟件中將您的作品發佈到WordPress。 + ...

『PRO ChAIR椅子多』Effie 艾菲椅網椅主管椅總裁經理辦公椅 ...

評分 5.0 (22) 產品介紹. PRO ChAIR辦公優選系列-人生的光榮,不在永不失敗,而在能屢仆屢起。 Effie 艾菲椅| 辦公椅/ 人體工學椅/ 電腦椅/ 主管椅. ✦彈性透氣網布椅背,徹底通風深呼吸;.


Effie: AI note-taking app for writing, mindmapping, and outlining. All-in-one minimalist workspace for productivity.


Effie: AI note-taking app for writing, mindmapping, and outlining. All-in-one minimalist workspace for productivity. Blog · FAQ · Features · Contact Us

Effie: Write, Mindmap & Note

Effie is light, clean, yet powerful mind mapping and writing software that helps to capture and visualize your random thoughts, and makes the best out of it ...

Effie Pricing, Features, and Reviews (Feb 2025)

Effie is a distraction-free and powerful writing, note-taking and mind-mapping software that works across platforms to help you keep a record of your thoughts.


評分5.0(2)·免費·EffieProMonthlyPlan$290.00;EffieProAIMonthlyPlan$390.00;EffieYearlyPlan$1,490.00;更多.開發者網站·App支援·隱私權政策·開發 ...,評分3.6(8)·免費·商業/生產力Fromasimpleinspirationpointtoacompletemindmap,andthentoabrilliantarticle,itempowersyoutotransformyourideasintoactualtext.,評分5.0(1)-EffieAIsupportsprocessinglongertextswithfewerrestrictions.-Newdefaultfontandpresetfontcollectio...