Exam skills

1.Youcan'twritedowneveryword·2.PayAttention·3.Underline,HighlightandCapitalise·4.UseShorthand(Abbreviations)·5.Putdistractionsaway·6.Be ...,2017年7月3日—Youshouldalsoaimtotakenotesconciselyandquickly.Inshort,alwaysavoidwritingfullsentences—doingt...。參考影片的文章的如下:


10 Tips on note

1. You can't write down every word · 2. Pay Attention · 3. Underline, Highlight and Capitalise · 4. Use Shorthand (Abbreviations) · 5. Put distractions away · 6. Be ...

17 TOEFL Note

2017年7月3日 — You should also aim to take notes concisely and quickly. In short, always avoid writing full sentences — doing this will only slow you down in ...

Effective note-making

2024年7月9日 — The most effective note-taking is active not passive. Active learning helps you to make meaning from what you learn.

Effective Note-Taking in Class

This handout will discuss the importance of note-taking, qualities of good notes, and tips for becoming a better note-taker.

How to take notes in English

The first thing to consider when taking notes is the layout. Make sure to leave plenty of space to add to notes after the event. You can either leave space ...


Here are some tips on how to take good notes. Write down key facts. If you have a teacher who writes notes on the board, that's a bonus: You can copy them down.

Part 1

Writing notes is fundamental to improving your English. Read this article to see why and how you can develop your note taking skills.

Techniques and Tips for Listening and Note Taking

2024年5月20日 — Write phrases, not full sentences. Only record the key words that you need to get the idea of the point. · Take notes in your own words.

Top Ten Tips on Note

Top Ten Tips on Note-taking · 1. Don't write down every word · 2. Decide what is important · 3. Be an active listener/reader · 4. Use symbols and abbreviations · 5.


1.Youcan'twritedowneveryword·2.PayAttention·3.Underline,HighlightandCapitalise·4.UseShorthand(Abbreviations)·5.Putdistractionsaway·6.Be ...,2017年7月3日—Youshouldalsoaimtotakenotesconciselyandquickly.Inshort,alwaysavoidwritingfullsentences—doingthiswillonlyslowyoudownin ...,2024年7月9日—Themosteffectivenote-takingisactivenotpassive.Activelearninghelpsyoutomakemeaningfromwhatyoulearn.,Thishando...