

Step 1: Modify the Client Notification · Navigate to the Core Folder: Go to your es_extended folder. Open the file: es_extended/client/functions.


This event shows a basic notification to the player. This is what you'll want to use server side when you wan to send a notification.


This function shows a basic notification to the player. Arguments¶. Argument, Data Type, Optional, Default Value, Explanation ...


This event shows a basic notification to the player. This is what you'll want to use server side when you wan to send a notification.

ESX.ShowNotification(my msg) is sent to all players

Hi there, I just created a resource and created an event handler on client side to get the 'done' message when server.lua finished its work.

Triggering ESX.Notification in a different script

You are sending a notification to the source which means you will send it back to the person pressing the “noodknop” because source contains the ...

esx_core[core]es_extendedclientfunctions.lua at main

Official Repo For core resources for esx-legacy. Contribute to esx-framework/esx_core development by creating an account on GitHub.


If youre using ESX Legacy, Goto `es_extended/client/functions.lua` and replace `ESX.ShowNotification` with the following code: ESX.ShowNotification ...


Step1:ModifytheClientNotification·NavigatetotheCoreFolder:Gotoyoures_extendedfolder.Openthefile:es_extended/client/functions.,Thiseventshowsabasicnotificationtotheplayer.Thisiswhatyou'llwanttouseserversidewhenyouwantosendanotification.,Thisfunctionshowsabasicnotificationtotheplayer.Arguments¶.Argument,DataType,Optional,DefaultValue,Explanation ...,Thiseventshowsabasicnotificationtotheplayer.Th...