
Facebook Privacy Scandal

NEW YORK (AP) — Facebook's latest privacy scandal, involving Trump campaign consultants who allegedly stole data on tens of millions of users in order to ...

History of the Cambridge Analytica Controversy

2023年3月16日 — The idea of political persuasion and data mining suddenly felt very close to every Facebook user, and the aftermath of the scandal included ...

Criticism of Facebook

9.1 Real-name policy controversy and compromise · 9.2 Deleting users' statuses · 9.3 Enabling of harassment · 9.4 Lack of customer support · 9.5 Downtime and ...

Facebook content management controversies

Facebook or Meta Platforms has been criticized for its management of various content on posts, photos and entire groups and profiles.

The 16 Biggest Facebook Scandals Mark Zuckerberg Faced

2021年11月3日 — Mark Zuckerberg has dealt with scandal after scandal, from a 2012 psychological experiment on 70000 unconsenting users to 2021's Facebook ...

Facebook's bottomless pit of scandals

2018年12月20日 — Facebook's bottomless pit of scandals · Billions of fake accounts – May 23 · Billions of fake accounts · Alleged misuse of data – May 10 · Alleged ...

Facebook at 20

2024年2月4日 — “The regulation that is coming, I think that's going to be a big part of Facebook's future too, because nobody wants to be made to feel unhappy, ...

Facebook's 20th Anniversary

2024年2月4日 — What used to be a seamless blend of personal interactions and mass communication is now splitting apart once again. Status updates from friends ...


2018年3月17日 — Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach. This article is more than 6 years old.


NEWYORK(AP)—Facebook'slatestprivacyscandal,involvingTrumpcampaignconsultantswhoallegedlystoledataontensofmillionsofusersinorderto ...,2023年3月16日—TheideaofpoliticalpersuasionanddataminingsuddenlyfeltveryclosetoeveryFacebookuser,andtheaftermathofthescandalincluded ...,9.1Real-namepolicycontroversyandcompromise·9.2Deletingusers'statuses·9.3Enablingofharassment·9.4Lackofcustomersupport·9.5Downt...

什麼是Google Buzz?你今天Buzz了嗎?

什麼是Google Buzz?你今天Buzz了嗎?

你今天Buzz了沒?這一天已經有太多Buzz的消息了,但是你知道什麼是Buzz嗎?簡單的來說應該就是以下這幾種功能! 乍看之下好像又是一種微網誌與即時訊息的服務,陸陸續續不少專家們也開始剖析這個服務帶來的好處...