Synology NAS

YoucanfindduplicatefilesinSynologyNASbyusingtheSynologyStorageAnalyser.Itcanruntestsandgiveyoustorageandvolumereports.Youcanapply ...,StorageAnalyzerdoesnotlookattheactualfilecontents.Technically,thedifferencebetweenpotentialcandidatesandrealdupl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Best Synology Duplicate File Finder

You can find duplicate files in Synology NAS by using the Synology Storage Analyser. It can run tests and give you storage and volume reports. You can apply ...

How does Storage Analyzer identify duplicate files?

Storage Analyzer does not look at the actual file contents. Technically, the difference between potential candidates and real duplicates is the way of ...

Finding Duplicate Files

Hi all,. I have a Synology DS218 with 8Tb storage. I've quite literally dumped all my data from external hdd and usb drives onto the NAS.

Find and solvemerge duplicated files

Question: What is the best way-tool to solve-merge the duplicates? I don't see any Synology tool to fix it.

Deleting large number of duplicate files

Use Storage Analyser to generate the duplicates list. Download the list and open using Excel. Manipulate as required, usually by sorting on Name and selecting ...

How to Find Duplicate Files on Synology NAS?

The Storage Analyzer allows you to see what files/folders are taking up space on your NAS and if any duplicates exist. It's a powerful tool that periodically ...

Best Synology Duplicate File Finder Free Download

EaseUS DupFiles Cleaner is the best tool for detecting duplicate files on Synology NAS. It's free and lets you quickly detect duplicates on your NAS drive. You ...

How to Use Synology Duplicate File Finder to Find ...

Steps: Find duplicate files on Synology NAS with Storage Analyzer. 1. In Synology DiskStation Manager, open Package Center. 2. Search for and install Storage ...

How to find duplicate files? : rsynology

I'd like to create a script to find duplicate files on my Synology. What's the best way to perform this action?

Detect photo duplicates? : rsynology

Use : free, fast, can automatically handle duplicates based on your criteria and can do a dry run (if memory deserves well) ...


YoucanfindduplicatefilesinSynologyNASbyusingtheSynologyStorageAnalyser.Itcanruntestsandgiveyoustorageandvolumereports.Youcanapply ...,StorageAnalyzerdoesnotlookattheactualfilecontents.Technically,thedifferencebetweenpotentialcandidatesandrealduplicatesisthewayof ...,Hiall,.IhaveaSynologyDS218with8Tbstorage.I'vequiteliterallydumpedallmydatafromexternalhddandusbdrivesontotheNAS.,Question:Whatist...
