
Fire Emblem Warriors

Fire Emblem Warriors is a hack and slash action role-playing game developed by Omega Force and Team Ninja, and published by Koei Tecmo in Japan and Nintendo ...

Fire Emblem Warriors

A hack and slash game for the Nintendo Switch and the New Nintendo 3DS. This collaboration between Intelligent Systems and the Koei Tecmo studios Omega Force ... List of classes in Fire Emblem... · List of characters in Fire... · Three Hope

【Brand New】 Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch)

【全新現貨】NS Switch遊戲Fire Emblem Warriors 聖火降魔錄無雙聖火無雙英文版支援語言:英文、法文、德文、西班牙文、義大利文中壢店面24小時營業~歡迎來店選購!

Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch) : 電動遊戲

評分 4.3 (132) 免費退回此商品 ... 庫存僅剩5 - 快下單。 ... 此品項可在收到後的30 天內以原始商品狀態退回,以便進行全額退款或更換。

Fire Emblem Warriors™ - Nintendo Switch

Rowan and Lianna must band together with warriors from across the Fire Emblem universe to face countless adversaries and stop the Chaos Dragon.

Fire Emblem Warriors for Nintendo Switch

供應中 Take control of characters with distinct attacks, issue strategic commands, pair up warriors for stunning moves, and more in an epic tactical action game from ...

NS Switch 聖火降魔錄無雙Fire Emblem Warriors 中文版

供應中 原價$1999,優惠$1258,6.3 折!☆支援繁體中文、日文字幕☆融入策略模擬要素及超越本家遊戲的卓越打擊感☆可1-2人遊玩《聖火降魔錄無雙》將會集結《聖火降魔錄》

《聖火降魔錄無雙Fire Emblem Warriors》中文版已上市遊戲介紹

... 任天堂與Koei Tecmo Games 二度攜手打造的跨界作品「Fire Emblem ... 聖火降魔錄無雙Fire Emblem Warriors Nintendo Switch遊戲開箱系列#260〈羅卡Rocca〉.


Join us as we take up our swords in the name of justice in Fire Emblem Warriors, coming to the Nintendo Switch and 3DS! Like what you see?


遊戲在2017年1月任天堂直面會上正式公布,同年9月在全球陸續發售。 參考資料. 編輯. ^ Jeffrey Matulef. Fire Emblem Warriors is slated for autumn on Switch and New 3DS ...


FireEmblemWarriorsisahackandslashactionrole-playinggamedevelopedbyOmegaForceandTeamNinja,andpublishedbyKoeiTecmoinJapanandNintendo ...,AhackandslashgamefortheNintendoSwitchandtheNewNintendo3DS.ThiscollaborationbetweenIntelligentSystemsandtheKoeiTecmostudiosOmegaForce ...ListofclassesinFireEmblem...·ListofcharactersinFire...·ThreeHope,【全新現貨】NSSwitch遊戲FireEmblemWarriors聖火降魔錄無雙聖火...