
Download Folder Firewall Blocker

2016年7月10日 — Folder Firewall Blocker is designed to allow you to block .EXE files from connections to the internet. It also includes support for COM, ...

Download Folder Firewall Blocker - free

Download Folder Firewall Blocker for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 223 downloads this month. Download Folder Firewall.

Download Folder Firewall Blocker 1.2.1

Folder Firewall Blocker Download. Download Folder Firewall Blocker 1.2.1. You may need to right-click on the download link and select ...

Download Folder Firewall Blocker 1.2.1 for Windows

2021年9月8日 — This program is designed to protect your computer from viruses and other malware by blocking any programs from accessing the folders on your ...

Folder Firewall Blocker

2022年2月23日 — Scans entire folders while making new rules in the Windows Firewall to block your specified executables. FFB was made primarily to block inbound ...

Folder Firewall Blocker下载

软件截图. Folder Firewall Blocker S1y红软基地. 展开. 同类推荐.

How add all files inside a folder in eset firewall for block ...

2023年3月27日 — In regular windows firewall there is an app (Folder Firewall Blocker) that we can block all files inside a folder by choosing file extension ...


2016年7月10日—FolderFirewallBlockerisdesignedtoallowyoutoblock.EXEfilesfromconnectionstotheinternet.ItalsoincludessupportforCOM, ...,DownloadFolderFirewallBlockerforWindowsnowfromSoftonic:100%safeandvirusfree.Morethan223downloadsthismonth.DownloadFolderFirewall.,FolderFirewallBlockerDownload.DownloadFolderFirewallBlocker1.2.1.Youmayneedtoright-clickonthedownloadlinkandselect ...,2021年9月8日—T...