
FolderPainterisaPortableFreewareApplicationenablesyoutocustomizetheappearanceofanyfoldereasily.,ThisprogramcanhelpyouchangethecolorofthedefaultfoldericononWindows11and10.-GitHub-FolderPainter/FolderIconPainter:Thisprogramcan ...,2020年6月9日—Fold...

Folder Painter v1.2 修改資料夾顏色、套用不同圖示

軟體下載下載次數:3129,2020-3-2515:56上傳).軟體介紹與使用說明:·FolderPainter-01.png·Folder ...

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Download Folder Painter v1.3

Folder Painter is a Portable Freeware Application enables you to customize the appearance of any folder easily.

Folder Icon Painter

This program can help you change the color of the default folder icon on Windows 11 and 10. - GitHub - FolderPainter/FolderIconPainter: This program can ...

Folder Painter

2020年6月9日 — Folder Painter enables you to quickly change the icons and colors of the folders on your computer. It is a unique and exciting way to organize ...

Folder Painter - 透過右鍵選單變更資料夾顏色

2021年5月4日 — FolderPainter is a freeware that lets you color your Windows explorer folder color and change it from the default yellow color. ☆中文切換方式: ...

Folder Painter v1.2 修改資料夾顏色、套用不同圖示

軟體下載:. (2.27 MB) (下載次數: 3129, 2020-3-25 15:56 上傳). 軟體介紹與使用說明: · Folder Painter-01.png · Folder ...

Folder Painter v1.2 修改資料夾顏色、套用不同圖示

軟體下載:. (2.27 MB) (下載次數: 3130, 2020-3-25 15:56 上傳). 軟體介紹與使用說明: · Folder Painter-01.png · Folder ...

Folder Painter v1.3

2021年1月19日 — FolderPainter is a freeware that lets you color your Windows explorer folder color and change it from the default yellow color. Using this ...

Folder Painter 免安裝,資料夾顏色改變

Folder Painter 是一款專為Windows資料夾變更圖示的軟體,軟體本身完全免費你只需透過簡單的註冊安裝後即可再任意資料夾輕鬆的點擊右鍵改變顏色。

Folder Painter:自定义你的电脑文件夹颜色

2023年12月9日 — FolderPainter是一款免费软件,它允许您自定义Windows资源管理器中文件夹的颜色,并将其从默认的黄色更改为您喜欢的任何颜色。 使用这个应用程序,您可以 ...


2021年7月16日 — FolderPainter:windows系统为文件夹设置不同颜色下载Folder Painter(文件夹改色工具) V1.2 多国语言绿色版安装解压压缩包。


FolderPainterisaPortableFreewareApplicationenablesyoutocustomizetheappearanceofanyfoldereasily.,ThisprogramcanhelpyouchangethecolorofthedefaultfoldericononWindows11and10.-GitHub-FolderPainter/FolderIconPainter:Thisprogramcan ...,2020年6月9日—FolderPainterenablesyoutoquicklychangetheiconsandcolorsofthefoldersonyourcomputer.Itisauniqueandexcitingwaytoorganize ...,2021年5月4日—FolderPainterisafre...