
The Forest app helps you go phone

2019年5月2日 — The Forest option in the Forest app is where you can see all the virtual trees you've planted so far. You can use it to track your visual ...

Forest Vs Flora

2023年10月17日 — While Flora is completely free to use but requires payment to donate real trees, Forest is a paid app from the get-go (on iOS) and uses coins ...

Forest App

Forest is a popular productivity app that helps people beat their phone addiction and manage their time in an interesting and pleasant way.

An App Called Forest Made A Big Difference In My Screen ...

2020年5月7日 — In the Forest app, you can plant a cedar or an oak and watch it grow while you focus on your work.

Why do most people that use Forest don't plant real trees?

2021年9月21日 — Forest has more than 4 million paid users and only 1.2 million real trees planted, now that I'm using study rooms more often I realize how ...

Does the Forest app actually plant trees? Where do they ...

2021年2月22日 — They work with Trees for the Future, you can probably find that information on their website. Here's forest's sponsor page: ...

Testing the Forest app

Sanitas review: Forest app. Forest is designed to help you focus and reduce phone usage. The app's USP is that it plants real trees – 198,972 trees so far!

Forest App

2021年5月8日 — The Forest App on android and iphone is a green app that allows you to plant virtual trees while spending LESS time on your phone.


2019年5月2日—TheForestoptionintheForestappiswhereyoucanseeallthevirtualtreesyou'veplantedsofar.Youcanuseittotrackyourvisual ...,2023年10月17日—WhileFloraiscompletelyfreetousebutrequirespaymenttodonaterealtrees,Forestisapaidappfromtheget-go(oniOS)andusescoins ...,Forestisapopularproductivityappthathelpspeoplebeattheirphoneaddictionandmanagetheirtimeinaninterestingandpleasantway.,2020年5月7日—In...