


Foregone on Nintendo Switch

A fast and fluid 2D action-platformer packed with legendary loot and stunning pixel art. Score: 69/100. Released on Oct 13th, 2020.


2021年3月10日 — 首頁 哈啦區 NS / Nintendo Switch. 【心得】【渥夫遊戲櫃45】讓我 ... 讓我無語之處雖然Forgone的戰鬥給我的感覺是流暢爽快,打擊感也還不錯. 但 ...

Save 80% on Foregone on Steam

Foregone is a fast and fluid 2D action-platformer packed with legendary loot and stunning pixel art. Collect an arsenal of powerful weapons and unravel a ...


Summary Foregone is a fast and fluid 2D action-platformer packed with legendary loot and stunning pixel art. Collect an arsenal of powerful weapons and unravel ...

Foregone | Nintendo Switch download software

2020年10月13日 — Foregone is a fast and fluid 2D action-platformer packed with legendary loot and stunning pixel art. Collect an arsenal of powerful weapons and ...

Foregone for Nintendo Switch

Foregone is a fast and fluid 2D action-platformer packed with legendary loot and stunning pixel art. Collect an arsenal of powerful weapons and upgradeable ...


Afastandfluid2Daction-platformerpackedwithlegendarylootandstunningpixelart.Score:69/100.ReleasedonOct13th,2020.,2021年3月10日—首頁哈啦區NS/NintendoSwitch.【心得】【渥夫遊戲櫃45】讓我...讓我無語之處雖然Forgone的戰鬥給我的感覺是流暢爽快,打擊感也還不錯.但 ...,Foregoneisafastandfluid2Daction-platformerpackedwithlegendarylootandstunningpixelart.Collectanarsenalofpowerfulweaponsandunravela ...,Summ...