
Baleafunk.euslizentzialibreakerabiltzendituztenmusikarietapodcastegileeuskaldunenkomunitatearentzatiametzaksortutakoFunkwhaleinstantzia.,FunkwhaleforAndroid™isanAndroidclientforFunkwhale,amusicstreamingserverthatyoucanself-host.ItusesFunkwhale'snativeAPIinsteadofthe ...,FunkwhaleforAndroid™isanAndroidclientforFunkwhale,amusicstreamingserverthatyoucanself-host.ItusesFunkwhale'snativeAPIinsteado...

Funkwhale lizentzia libreak erabiltzen dituzten musikari eta podcast egile euskaldunen komunitatearentzat iametzak sortutako Funkwhale instantzia.

Funkwhale for Android | F-Droid

Funkwhale for Android™ is an Android client for Funkwhale, a music streaming server that you can self-host. It uses Funkwhale's native API instead of the ...

Funkwhale for Android

Funkwhale for Android™ is an Android client for Funkwhale, a music streaming server that you can self-host. It uses Funkwhale's native API instead of the ...

Funkwhale - Fediverse.Party

2024年3月19日 — Funkwhale is a community-driven project that lets you listen and share music within a decentralized, open network. Funkwhale is not only an ...


Access your personal music collection from anywhere. Funkwhale supports advanced sharing features to promote Freely licensed content. For artists and podcasters.

Connect to Funkwhale from other apps

You can connect to Funkwhale through applications available on smartphones, tablets, and desktop. Android. Logo of Funkwhale for Android. Funkwhale ...


About Funkwhale. This pod runs Funkwhale, a community-driven project that lets you listen and share music and audio within a decentralized, open network.


2024年2月26日 — Funkwhale for Android™ is an Android client for Funkwhale, a music streaming server that you can self-host. It uses Funkwhale's native API ...


2024年2月26日 — Funkwhale for Android™ 是Funkwhale 的Android 客戶端,Funkwhale 是您可以自行託管的音樂流媒體服務器。它使用Funkwhale 的原生API 而不是subsonic ...

我棄用了Funkwhale 並蓋了自己的音樂網站

FunkWhale 是我目前找到唯一比較面向創作者的音樂平台,而且支援ActivityPub 這個聯邦式協議,也就是說別的FunkWhale 站點可以聽到我網站上的音樂(反之亦是),到目前看來 ...

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具
