How to deliver Customer Support from Gmail

用Gmelius将Gmail变为团队核心工作区:全面合作与分析。✓Managesharedinboxeslikesupport@orsales@✓Organizeconversationswithshared ...,Watcharecordeddemoshowcasingouremailcollaborationplatformincludingsharedinboxes,sharedGmaillabelsandkanbanboardsinGma...。參考影片的文章的如下:



用Gmelius将Gmail变为团队核心工作区:全面合作与分析。 ✓ Manage shared inboxes like support@ or sales@ ✓ Organize conversations with shared ...

Video: Watch Demo

Watch a recorded demo showcasing our email collaboration platform including shared inboxes, shared Gmail labels and kanban boards in Gmail.

Gmelius: AI Assistant for Gmail

Put some Genius into Gmail! Gmelius is the leading process automation and email collaboration software built for Gmail and Google Workspace. Start for free. Gmelius · Gmelius App · Gmelius API documentation · Download Gmelius for Gmail

Gmelius Pricing

評分 4.7 (1,984) · US$15.00 至 US$45.00 · 商業/生產力 Gmelius is the process automation and collaboration platform built for Google Workspace and Gmail — Find the right tier for your team.


評分 2.8 (92) · 免費 · Android · 借助適用於Android 的Gmelius 應用程序,您可以輕鬆使用關鍵的Gmelius 協作功能。 主要特點 共享收件箱:管理群組電子郵件,例如sales@ 和support@。 共享 ...


評分 5.0 (4) Discover the collaboration platform that integrates natively inside Google Workspace, and your company's daily tools like Slack or Trello.

Gmelius 瀏覽器套件強化Gmail 介面細節與去除各種廣告

「Gmelius」是一款支援Firefox、Google Chrome、Opera的瀏覽器套件。它的功能簡單的說就是「把Gmail新介面再改得更好一點」。不是幫你換回舊介面,也不是大幅改造外觀, ...


用Gmelius将Gmail变为团队核心工作区:全面合作与分析。✓Managesharedinboxeslikesupport@orsales@✓Organizeconversationswithshared ...,Watcharecordeddemoshowcasingouremailcollaborationplatformincludingsharedinboxes,sharedGmaillabelsandkanbanboardsinGmail.,PutsomeGeniusintoGmail!GmeliusistheleadingprocessautomationandemailcollaborationsoftwarebuiltforGmailandGoogleWorkspace.Startforfree.Gmelius·Gmeli...