Google Noto Fonts
昨天Google終於在官方部落格宣布「AnOpensourcefontsystemforeveryone」,在五年後正式向全世界推出免費開放原始碼字型Noto!這命名也很有趣,Noto其實就是—“No ...
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Noto Sans
Explore Noto Sans available at Adobe Fonts.
Noto Home
Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts in more than 1000 languages and over 150 writing systems.
Noto Fonts
Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts in more than 1000 languages and over 150 writing systems.
Noto CJK fonts
Noto CJK fonts. Download individual fonts from the download guides for Noto Sans CJK or Noto Serif CJK or look in Releases.
思源黑體Noto Sans
字型介紹. 字型名稱:Noto Sans TC (思源黑體) 發行單位:Google 官方網站: