2021年9月16日 — I made a GPO and in User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Start Menu and Taskbar -> Start Layout. I added the UNC path to the xml layout insuring ...
2022年5月26日 — I am trying to implement through a GPO, a new Start Menu Layout but no matter what I do it simply dont apply. This is the XML of this Layout.
2016年12月8日 — Create Your StartLayout GPO Edit the following settings: Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar ...
Startmenu Layout group policy is only for the tiles on the right side. The left side is the All Programs view. You can either hide it or edit it in the ...
2024年7月10日 — This policy setting lets you specify a new list of pinned apps to override the default/current list of pinned apps in the Windows Start menu.
2024年2月20日 — We currently have a GPO configuring the Start menu and Taskbar for Windows 10 using an XML file. After reading online, it looks like Windows 11 ...
2019年3月14日 — Under Edit policy, I have gone to Computer Configuration → Policies → Administrative Templates → and no Start Menu and Taskbar options shows up.