How to View System information in Lubuntu19.04 with Hardinfo

本文介绍在Linux系统中安装Hardinfo、Sysinfo、Lshw的方法,使用它们以在Linux上查找硬件规格,经测试,在Ubuntu18.04系统能完美运行,不过也适用于 ...,HardInfoisasmallapplicationthatdisplaysinformationaboutyourhardwareandoperatingsystem.Currentlyitknowsa...。參考影片的文章的如下:



本文介绍在Linux系统中安装Hardinfo、Sysinfo、Lshw的方法,使用它们以在Linux上查找硬件规格,经测试,在Ubuntu 18.04系统能完美运行,不过也适用于 ...

hardinfo - Linux Mint

HardInfo is a small application that displays information about your hardware and operating system. Currently it knows about PCI, ISA PnP, USB, IDE, SCSI, ...

lpereirahardinfo: System profiler and benchmark tool for ...

HardInfo is a system profiler and benchmark for Linux systems. It is able to obtain information from both hardware and basic software, and organize it in a ...

hardinfo2hardinfo2: System Information and Benchmark for ...

Hardinfo2 offers System Information and Benchmark for Linux Systems. It is able to obtain information from both hardware and basic software.

System Information and Benchmark for Linux

Google Scholar lists academic articles, that uses hardinfo. Also, Tom's Hardware uses hardinfo2 Tom's HW 2011. The webserver was lost in 2011 as a german ... News · DB Stats · History

HardInfo - Community Help Wiki

HardInfo is a hardware analysis, system benchmark and report generator. Key Features. Comprehensive reports on hardware; Generate HTML ...

HARDiNFO 8 PRO 超好用的電腦硬體資訊與效能測試專業軟體限免 ...

HARDiNFO 8 PRO 是一款功能非常豐富且強大的電腦硬體資訊與效能測試軟體,原價要79 美金,約台幣2,250 元,最近知名國外限免網站Sharewareonsale 正祭出 ...

HARDiNFO - System Information and Benchmark

Monitor your Computer hardware, services, processes, drivers, network and notebook battery. HARDiNFO includes an advanced Network Traffic monitor and Notebook ...


Hardinfo是一個詳細的應用程序,可以幫助您找到有關PC的大量信息。 儘管如此, 此應用程序未預先安裝在任何Gnu / Linux系統上,因此我們必須將其安裝在計算機上。 有關此工具 ...


HardInfo在Ubuntu默認提供的存儲庫中可用,因此安裝非常簡單。 只是去軟件中心並蒐索“ hardinfo”。 當然,程序包的名稱非常不同(Performance Analyzer和System Comparator), ...


本文介绍在Linux系统中安装Hardinfo、Sysinfo、Lshw的方法,使用它们以在Linux上查找硬件规格,经测试,在Ubuntu18.04系统能完美运行,不过也适用于 ...,HardInfoisasmallapplicationthatdisplaysinformationaboutyourhardwareandoperatingsystem.CurrentlyitknowsaboutPCI,ISAPnP,USB,IDE,SCSI, ...,HardInfoisasystemprofilerandbenchmarkforLinuxsystems.Itisabletoobtaininformationfrombothhardwareandbasicsoftware,ando...

限時免費 HARDiNFO 8 PRO 電腦硬體資訊查詢

限時免費 HARDiNFO 8 PRO 電腦硬體資訊查詢
