Understanding Hard Drive RPM

當存取一堆細檔案嘅時候,硬碟每讀完一個檔案就要搜尋下一個檔案嘅位置,而5400rpm同7200rpm嘅分別在於搜尋速度,5400rpm相對於搜尋速度較7200rpm慢好多,對讀 ...,7200RPMdrivesaremorefaster,yes,butIlikethefactthat5400RPMdrivesarequitter,lesspowerhungry,and...。參考影片的文章的如下:


5400 轉同7200 轉分別大唔大

當存取一堆細檔案嘅時候,硬碟每讀完一個檔案就要搜尋下一個檔案嘅位置,而5400rpm同7200rpm嘅分別在於搜尋速度,5400rpm相對於搜尋速度較7200rpm慢好多,對讀 ...

Stuck choosing between 5400 and 7200 RPM drives!

7200 RPM drives are more faster, yes, but I like the fact that 5400 RPM drives are quitter, less power hungry, and more reliable.

What's the difference between 5400 and 7200 RPM hard drives?

5400 RPM drives offer an average of 100 MB/s read and write speeds, while 7200 RPM drives deliver an average of 120 MB/s read and write speeds.

HDD 5400 rpm vs. 7200 rpm big speed difference?

5400 even has some advantages like less noise and often less heat. Seek time will be higher, linear speeds will be lower for given storage ...

Does RPM (5400 vs 7200) matter for a secondary internal laptop ...

A 7200 RPM is going to read faster than the 5400 because of the spindle speed, however a lot of benching has been shown to show that the benefits are minimal.

Are 5400 RPM drives more reliable than 7200 RPM drives?

7200 RPM is definitely faster than 5400 RPM as RPM means Rotation Per Minute and the more fast the disk can rotate the more quickly data can be ...

Are 5400 RPM HDDs really more reliable than 7200 ones ...

Storage Speed: 7200RPM will be considerably faster than 5400RPM, You will notice it. 5400RPM is really outdated these days. RAM: 8GB is a lot, ...

Does anyone see actual difference between 5400 RPM vs 7200 ...

I've definitely noticed my 7200 RPM drives are significantly louder and hotter than their 5400 RPM stablemates but all my future drive purchases ...

How different is the 5400 RPM vs 7200 RPM performance ...

I understand that 5400RPM is quieter and more reliable than 7200, but it is also slower or should be slower.


當存取一堆細檔案嘅時候,硬碟每讀完一個檔案就要搜尋下一個檔案嘅位置,而5400rpm同7200rpm嘅分別在於搜尋速度,5400rpm相對於搜尋速度較7200rpm慢好多,對讀 ...,7200RPMdrivesaremorefaster,yes,butIlikethefactthat5400RPMdrivesarequitter,lesspowerhungry,andmorereliable.,5400RPMdrivesofferanaverageof100MB/sreadandwritespeeds,while7200RPMdrivesdeliveranaverageof120MB/sreadandwritespeeds.,5400evenhassomeadv...

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度
