Você ouve música para programar?

但對於那些在靈魂深處住著一位扭曲社畜的人來說,在家工作期間少了一些同事吵雜煩人的噪音總是不太習慣。這個網站:https://imisstheoffice.eu/.可以 ...,#https://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.htmlUser-agent:*Disallow:,Hitherecolleague!Wemissedthesoundofourc...。參考影片的文章的如下:


【遠距工作】你懷念同事談八卦吃零食的聲音嗎?模擬辦公室噪音 ...

但對於那些在靈魂深處住著一位扭曲社畜的人來說,在家工作期間少了一些同事吵雜煩人的噪音總是不太習慣。 這個網站:https://imisstheoffice.eu/. 可以 ...


# https://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html User-agent: * Disallow:

Sound Of Colleagues

Hi there colleague! We missed the sound of our colleagues so much that we created this website as a substitute. Start listening by unmuting the sound up here!

分流上班、在家上班餐廳限定外帶不能內用娛樂場所關閉⋯⋯等大家 ...

... https://imisstheoffice.eu/ 《為自己煮杯咖啡,享受自己的私密時光》 I Miss My Cafe- https://imissmycafe.com/ 《推開大門,一秒進入放鬆身心的小 ...

偷窺設計- 一個人工作寂寞嗎? https:imisstheoffice.eu

一個人工作寂寞嗎? https://imisstheoffice.eu/ - 閉上眼睛、打開聲音,然後想像你在辦公室 現在讓你有同事陪伴>///< - 暖色調的畫面再搭配上俐落的線條 快tag那位你 ...

I Miss My Cafe

A virtual cafe just for you. We've got music, drinks, and more. Take a seat and stay awhile!

偷窺設計- 一個人工作寂寞嗎? https:imisstheoffice.eu -...

一個人工作寂寞嗎? https://imisstheoffice.eu/ - 閉上眼睛、打開聲音,然後想像你在辦公室 現在讓你有同事陪伴>///< - 暖色調的畫面再搭配上俐落的線條 快tag那位你 ...

Reichenbergerstr 121

Close your eyes and imagine you're in the office. Beautiful, right? Click all the things to turn them on. A #WFH project by Kids ...

Do you miss the office?

Do you miss the office? An office noise generator - providing you with the soothing tones of modern office life to help you focus when working from home.


但對於那些在靈魂深處住著一位扭曲社畜的人來說,在家工作期間少了一些同事吵雜煩人的噪音總是不太習慣。這個網站:https://imisstheoffice.eu/.可以 ...,#https://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.htmlUser-agent:*Disallow:,Hitherecolleague!Wemissedthesoundofourcolleaguessomuchthatwecreatedthiswebsiteasasubstitute.Startlisteningbyunmutingthesounduphere!,...https://imisstheoffice.eu/《為自己煮杯咖啡,享受自己的...