
InjuredPixelsfillstheentirescreenwithaprimaryorcustomcolor,helpingyoutoeasilyspotpixelsthatdonotmatchtheselectedcolor.Theappis ...,InjuredPixels(forWindows)canhelpyoucheckyourPC,laptoportabletscreenfordeadpixels,scratchesordefects.,InjuredPixels.Easilycheckforhot,deadorstuckpixels,forpixelsthatdonotilluminateproperlyordonotdisplaythecorrectcoloroutput.,InjuredPixelsisafreediagnostictoolthathel...

InjuredPixels (for Android)

InjuredPixels fills the entire screen with a primary or custom color, helping you to easily spot pixels that do not match the selected color. The app is ...

InjuredPixels (for Windows)

InjuredPixels (for Windows) can help you check your PC, laptop or tablet screen for dead pixels, scratches or defects.


Injured Pixels. Easily check for hot, dead or stuck pixels, for pixels that do not illuminate properly or do not display the correct color output.


InjuredPixels is a free diagnostic tool that helps you detect defective pixels on your LCD monitor. It can be run from a flash drive, but does require .NET ...


2017年3月20日 — InjuredPixels fills the entire screen with a primary or custom color, helping you to easily spot pixels that do not match the selected color.

InjuredPixels for Windows

Injured Pixels is a tool that tests your screen to find any dead pixels, that is, those that stay black (or whatever other colour) and won't change no ...

InjuredPixels for Windows

Download InjuredPixels Portable. Version Only 40KB. Runs on any PC, laptop or tablet with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP*. No installation is ...


InjuredPixels是检查液晶显示器坏点的辅助工具软件,支持自定义颜色全屏检测。只要多换几种颜色测试一下,就可以轻松的辨别屏幕是否存在着问题。 显示器测试. 精品推荐.

InjuredPixels: Dead Pixel Test

Use InjuredPixels to screen test a smartphone or tablet in the store, before buying, or during the warranty period, as you may get a replacement according ...

InjuredPixels - 螢幕壞點檢測

InjuredPixels - 螢幕壞點檢測
