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App Store 上的《Koofr》

2023年11月16日 — Koofr offers 10 GB of free safe EU based storage for your files with options to connect multiple cloud accounts - One storage for all.


Koofr features: less limits, more fun. Access, backup, and share your files from any device. Connect your existing cloud accounts and enjoy unified search, ...


Meet the only safe and secure european cloud storage without trackers that respects your privacy. Try Koofr now, the first 10 GB are free forever.


Login to Koofr. Sign in to access all your files in one place. Your search ends here.

Koofr Vault

Koofr Vault is an open source, client-side, zero-knowledge encrypted storage application by Koofr, offering an extra layer of security for your files.

Koofr 免費雲端硬碟整合Dropbox、Google Drive 和OneDrive

Koofr 是成立於2012 年的歐洲雲端硬碟服務商,總部位於斯洛維尼亞,資料儲存在歐盟境內安全的資料中心,這家雲端硬碟服務對免費用戶提供10GB 空間,付費升級可選擇25GB ...

Koofr: The Cloud Storage

Koofr 提供基于欧盟的安全云存储,终身免费云存储空间为10GB,并可选择连接其他云存储提供商的多个帐户和您的个人存储。发现一种更好的方式来存储、访问和共享您的 ...

Koofr: The Cloud Storage

2023年11月16日 — Koofr 提供基於歐盟的安全雲存儲,終身免費云存儲空間為10GB,並可選擇連接其他雲存儲提供商的多個帳戶和您的個人存儲。發現一種更好的方式來存儲、 ...


Discover affordable cloud storage packages from Koofr, which offer you up to 20 TB of space, connectivity with other cloud services, security without ...

在App Store 上的「Koofr」

2023年11月16日 — Koofr offers 10 GB of free safe EU based storage for your files with options to connect multiple cloud accounts - One storage for all.


2023年11月16日—Koofroffers10GBoffreesafeEUbasedstorageforyourfileswithoptionstoconnectmultiplecloudaccounts-Onestorageforall.,Koofrfeatures:lesslimits,morefun.Access,backup,andshareyourfilesfromanydevice.Connectyourexistingcloudaccountsandenjoyunifiedsearch, ...,Meettheonlysafeandsecureeuropeancloudstoragewithouttrackersthatrespectsyourprivacy.TryKoofrnow,thefirst10GBarefreeforever.,LogintoKoo...