
在App Store 上的「KUTV TV」

需要iOS 14.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 14.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 14.0 或以上版本。 Mac: 需要macOS 11.0 ...


KUTV (channel 2) is a television station in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, affiliated with CBS. It is owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group alongside ...

Salt Lake City Local | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News

KUTV CBS 2 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment ...


KUTV CBS 2 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment ... Contact KUTV 2 · See More /news/local · Weather · Watch

Salt Lake City Watch | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News

2 天前 · Sign up for our newsletter. Stay informed. When you sign up you will receive our top local news stories delivered to your inbox. Email Address. Headlines ...

Profile for KUTV 2News

KUTV 2News. 509642 likes · 46559 talking about this. KUTV 2News - Utah's source for breaking news, weather and sports.

KUTV 2 News Salt Lake City

Utah's #1 news station and your source for breaking news, sports, weather and more! ...more ...more facebook.com/KUTV2News?ref=hland 4 more links. Subscribe.


Utah's #1 source for breaking news, weather and sports. TIPS: (801) 839-1222, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok: @KUTV2News


需要iOS14.0或以上版本。iPad:需要iPadOS14.0或以上版本。iPodtouch:需要iOS14.0或以上版本。Mac:需要macOS11.0 ...,KUTV(channel2)isatelevisionstationinSaltLakeCity,Utah,UnitedStates,affiliatedwithCBS.ItisownedbySinclairBroadcastGroupalongside ...,KUTVCBS2provideslocalnews,weatherforecasts,trafficupdates,noticesofeventsanditemsofinterestinthecommunity,sportsandentertainment ...,KUTVCBS2provideslocaln...
