
Reviewing Kapwing Video Trimmer

You can click and drag your video clip to where you want it to start and where you want it to end in order to have the unwanted part removed.

Video Trimmer

Trim, split, or cut videos with our online video cutter. Simple and straight-to-the-point, trim long videos into shorter video clips (MP4, MOV, MKV, ...

Online Video Editor — Edit Video for Free

Kapwing is completely free to start. Just upload a video and start editing. Supercharge your editing workflow with our powerful online tools.

Online Video Splitter

Use Kapwing's free online video splitter to trim and cut videos into smaller parts. After you split up videos into two parts, save and share each clip.

Auto Video Editor

Kapwing's Smart Cut tool automates your video editing process by detecting and removing silences from your video in a matter of seconds. You'll be saving hours ...

How to Clip a Video

2023年5月4日 — Head to over to the Kapwing Video Trimmer tool. You can use this tool on any device with a browser — iPhone, Android, laptop, even a Chromebook.

YouTube Video Cutter

Easily cut YouTube videos and directly download sections. This YouTube video cutter has automatic features to remove pauses, filler words, and more.

Cut Out a Section of a YouTube Video

2018年10月8日 — Copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to cut. Then, open the YouTube video cutter and paste the URL. Kapwing will automatically import your ...


Youcanclickanddragyourvideocliptowhereyouwantittostartandwhereyouwantittoendinordertohavetheunwantedpartremoved.,Trim,split,orcutvideoswithouronlinevideocutter.Simpleandstraight-to-the-point,trimlongvideosintoshortervideoclips(MP4,MOV,MKV, ...,Kapwingiscompletelyfreetostart.Justuploadavideoandstartediting.Superchargeyoureditingworkflowwithourpowerfulonlinetools.,UseKapwing'sfreeonlinevideospli...