
Expert guide

No, Louis Vuitton handbags do not have serial numbers; instead, they have date codes stamped on interior tags or directly on the interior ...

A Guide to Louis Vuitton Date Codes

Features: Two letters followed by four digits. The first two letters represent the factory location. The first and third numbers represent the week of the year, ...

Louis Vuitton Date Code Authenticator

Verify the authenticity of your Louis Vuitton bag with our FREE Date Code Checker. The fastest and most detailed Louis Vuitton real or fake calculator.

FREE Louis Vuitton Date Code Check

Where can I find my Louis Vuitton bag's date code / serial number? Louis Vuitton's date codes are always located on different parts of a bag.

Louis Vuitton Date Code Checker

Instantly check your Louis Vuitton Handbag Date Code and production location on the free Real Authentication Louis Vuitton Date Code Checker!

How to Tell if Your Louis Vuitton is Authentic

Serial Number and Date Codes. Contrary to popular belief, Louis Vuitton handbags (excluding luggage and rare limited-edition pieces) do not have serial numbers.

Louis Vuitton History and Authentication Techniques

LV bags do not have serial numbers, instead, Louis Vuitton handbags have date codes stamped on interior tags or directly on interior linings or in a hidden ...

Louis Vuitton Datecode Authenticator Calculator

These letters represent the factory. The first to numbers show year, the last 1-2 numbers show the month, followed by the country. 1990 – 2006. The date code ...

A Guide to Louis Vuitton Bag Date Codes – The Basics

The code on your Louis Vuitton (LV) bag is not a serial number, but instead a date code. Since the early 1980s, Louis Vuitton have included date codes on the ...

How to Authenticate Louis Vuitton Bags & LV Date Codes

Two letters followed by four numbers with the first two letters representing the factory location, the first and third numbers representing the month and the ...


No,LouisVuittonhandbagsdonothaveserialnumbers;instead,theyhavedatecodesstampedoninteriortagsordirectlyontheinterior ...,Features:Twolettersfollowedbyfourdigits.Thefirsttwolettersrepresentthefactorylocation.Thefirstandthirdnumbersrepresenttheweekoftheyear, ...,VerifytheauthenticityofyourLouisVuittonbagwithourFREEDateCodeChecker.ThefastestandmostdetailedLouisVuittonrealorfakecalculator.,Wherecan...