

Letritas Font Foundry


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240 ideas de Letritas

11-sep-2022 - Explora el tablero de Naomi Chajón Letritas en Pinterest. Ver más ideas sobre tipos de letras, fuentes de escritura, fuente tipográfica.


The typeface has 9 weights, ranging from “hair” to “black”, and two versions: “regular” and “italic”. Its 18 files contain 749 characters with ligatures, ...

Fonts by Letritas Foundry

Letritas is a design brand founded in 2006 by Juan Pablo de Gregorio with the aim of being a resource of any typographical conversation.


Browse fonts by Letritas including Isabel.

Letritas by Ruthy (@washisbyruthy) · Instagram 照片和视频

11K 位粉丝、已关注1166 人、 202 篇帖子- 查看Letritas by Ruthy (@washisbyruthy) 的Instagram 照片和视频。

Letritas Font Foundry

Letritas is a design brand founded in 2006 by Juan Pablo de Gregorio with the aim of being a resource of any typographical conversation.


Letritas. We are a Chilean company founded in 2006, who develops typographies and typographical contents. We don't only create fonts, but we are also well ...


La tipografía no es la voz visual · Esa ligadura no funciona, debes romper · El misterioso truco del triángulo de la ene · Los grandes misterios del diseño ...


Letritas is a design brand founded in 2006 by Juan Pablo de Gregorio with the aim of being a resource of any typographical conversation.


11-sep-2022-ExploraeltablerodeNaomiChajónLetritasenPinterest.Vermásideassobretiposdeletras,fuentesdeescritura,fuentetipográfica.,Thetypefacehas9weights,rangingfrom“hair”to“black”,andtwoversions:“regular”and“italic”.Its18filescontain749characterswithligatures, ...,Letritasisadesignbrandfoundedin2006byJuanPablodeGregoriowiththeaimofbeingaresourceofanytypographicalconversation.,BrowsefontsbyLetri...