
ssd - Check for badsectors

This will produce all the statistics for your SSD. Typically, Reallocated_Sector_Ct is associated with the count of sectors that have been flagged as bad.

Fixing bad sectors of a hard drive

Boot to a Ubuntu Live DVD/USB in “Try Ubuntu” mode · Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T · Type sudo fdisk -l · Identify the /dev/ ...

[SOLVED] Bad sectors on a disk?

I have used Windows chkdisk program to attempt to repair the HDD's. I have used Linux - Disks - Drive Options - SMART Data and Self tests, Check Filesystem, ...

How to check for bad sectors using badblocks

Badblocks is a command-line utility in Linux used to search for bad sectors on a disk. It can identify unreadable sectors that may indicate failing hardware.

How to check entire hard disk for errors and bad sectors

I'm looking to test a hard drive for bad sectors and errors, but the tools I found to do this are meant for partitions -- not disks.


badblocks is a program to test storage devices for bad blocks. In modern HDDs and SSDs firmware automatically detects defective sectors and, where possible, ...

How to Run a Disk Check to Fix Bad Sectors

In this tutorial, we'll look at bad sectors, and how to identify and repair them. Additionally, we'll look at the commands we can use during these processes.

Check Hard Disk for Bad Sectors

To avoid data loss, it is advisable to check your server's hard drives from time to time for bad sectors. You can do this with the Baadblocks help software.

How do you tell Linux not to use bad sectors on a hard drive?

When creating a file system you can either scan for bad sectors, or provide a list of bad sectors. For example see man mkfs.ext4 and look at -c ...

How to Check Bad Sectors or Bad Blocks on Hard Disk in Linux

Check Bad Sectors in Linux Disks Using badblocks Tool. A badblocks program enables users to scan a device for bad sectors or blocks. The device ...


ThiswillproduceallthestatisticsforyourSSD.Typically,Reallocated_Sector_Ctisassociatedwiththecountofsectorsthathavebeenflaggedasbad.,BoottoaUbuntuLiveDVD/USBin“TryUbuntu”mode·OpenaterminalwindowbypressingCtrl+Alt+T·Typesudofdisk-l·Identifythe/dev/ ...,IhaveusedWindowschkdiskprogramtoattempttorepairtheHDD's.IhaveusedLinux-Disks-DriveOptions-SMARTDataandSelftests,CheckFilesystem, ...,Badblocksisa...