How To Change iTunes Backup Location In Windows 1110

YoucanfindyouriTunesbackupfilesintheMobileSyncfolderontheiTunesappwiththepathseitherC:-Users-Yourusername-AppData-Roaming-Apple, ...,ThelocationofiTunesbackupisnotsoeasytofind.Bydefault,iTunesbackupsarestoredinMobileSync>Backup.OnWindows11,10,8,7...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Discover iTunes backup location on Windows and Mac.

You can find your iTunes backup files in the MobileSync folder on the iTunes app with the paths either C:-Users-Your username-AppData-Roaming-Apple,  ...

Find your iPhone backup location on PC and iCloud

The location of iTunes backup is not so easy to find. By default, iTunes backups are stored in MobileSync > Backup. On Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 ...

Locate backups of your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Under the General tab, click Manage Backups to see a list of your backups. From here, right-click on the backup you want, then choose Delete, ...

Locate backups of your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

Under the General tab, click Manage Backups to see a list of your backups. From here, right-click on the backup that you want, then choose ...

Unraveling the Mystery

In this article, we will help unravel the mystery and guide you through the process of locating your iTunes backup files on Windows 10.

Where are iPhone backups stored on PC and Mac?

For backups created with iTunes from Apple's website: Type %AppData% in the Run window and click OK. Then navigate through the folders Apple ...


YoucanfindyouriTunesbackupfilesintheMobileSyncfolderontheiTunesappwiththepathseitherC:-Users-Yourusername-AppData-Roaming-Apple, ...,ThelocationofiTunesbackupisnotsoeasytofind.Bydefault,iTunesbackupsarestoredinMobileSync>Backup.OnWindows11,10,8,7 ...,UndertheGeneraltab,clickManageBackupstoseealistofyourbackups.Fromhere,right-clickonthebackupyouwant,thenchooseDelete, ...,UndertheGeneraltab,c...