

LOW-FI翻譯:低保真度的(指電子產品音質差,有雜音)(low fidelity的縮寫), (為使用舊電腦或慢的網路連接的人而設的)簡易網站。了解更多。

Lo-fi music

Lo-fi is a music or production quality in which elements usually regarded as imperfections in the context of a recording or performance are present, ... Fidelity · Lofi hip-hop · R. Stevie Moore · Lo-fi (disambiguation)

HighLow fidelity Prototype 高低擬真模型· Design Thinking

在建立產品雛型前,通常會從低擬真模型(low fidelity Prototype)開始,目的除了節省開發經費外,能夠快速建模讓設計團隊短時間直接理解「這次的設計概念是什麼」,對於生產模型 ...

UX流程簡介(中):Wireframe to 1st Usability Testing

Lo-fi Prototype(低擬真原型). 接下來就是把上面畫好的wireframe稍作加工,做成可互動的Prototype。 Lo-fi全名Low Fidelity,中文:低擬真。到底什麼 ...


與Hi-Fi的含義「high fidelity」相對應,Lo-Fi就是「low fidelity」的縮寫,從字面意思上看就是「低保真」,顧名思義你大概估到這是怎樣的一種音效。

What Is Low Fidelity?

Low fidelity usually means the prototype has the minimum visual details and functionality, but has enough content for sharing the concept with ...

Low-Fidelity Prototyping: What Is It and How Can It Help?

A low-fidelity prototype is a simple diagram of an early-stage design concept. UX design teams use them to quickly test an idea, identify gaps and pitfalls, and ... Types of low-fidelity prototypes · Benefits of low-fidelity prototypes

Low-Fidelity vs. High-Fidelity Prototyping

Low-fidelity prototypes are typically faster to create and more flexible, while high-fidelity prototypes are more similar to the final product ...


LOW-FI翻譯:低保真度的(指電子產品音質差,有雜音)(lowfidelity的縮寫),(為使用舊電腦或慢的網路連接的人而設的)簡易網站。了解更多。,Lo-fiisamusicorproductionqualityinwhichelementsusuallyregardedasimperfectionsinthecontextofarecordingorperformancearepresent, ...Fidelity·Lofihip-hop·R.StevieMoore·Lo-fi(disambiguation),在建立產品雛型前,通常會從低擬真模型(lowfidelityPrototype)開始,目的除了節省...