
Convert a song to a different file format with the ...

2024年4月17日 — Open the Apple Music app. · In the menu bar, choose Music > Settings. · Click the Files tab, then click Import Settings. · Click the menu next to ...

Import music from a computer to Music on Mac

Import music from a computer to Music on Mac · In the Music app on your Mac, choose File > Add To Library or File > Import. If you selected “Copy files to Music ...

Import music from a computer to Apple Music on Windows

Import music from a computer to Apple Music on WindowsIn the Apple Music app on your Windows computer, select the Sidebar Actions button at the top of the sidebar, then choose Import.Locate a file or folder, then select Open. If you add a folder, all the

使用Apple Music App 或Windows 版iTunes,將歌曲轉換至 ...

MP3 和Apple 保真壓縮編碼器都屬於壓縮格式,而AIFF 或WAV 則是未壓縮格式。 當你在壓縮格式之間轉換,或將未壓縮格式轉換成壓縮格式時,你可能會注意到音質變差。

5 Proven Ways for How to Add MP3 Files to Apple Music

2023年5月12日 — This blog post will discuss a few simple ways about how to add MP3 to Apple Music on iPhone with and without using iTunes.

輕鬆將iPhone上的MP3追加到Apple Music:2種簡單快速的 ...

2024年3月7日 — iPhone上的MP3音樂應該如何添加到Apple Music中呢?本文就這一問題展開討論,幫助您將MP3追加到Apple Music中。

How to add an MP3 to Apple Music without using a desktop ...

2023年6月4日 — Unfortunately you'll need your computer to do this. The only actual way to add an mp3 iirc is to open iTunes, plug in your phone and sync the ...

[2024 Guide] How to Add MP3 to Apple Music on iPhone

This guide will show you how to add MP3 to Apple Music on iPhone, including the method to add MP3 to Apple Music without iTunes.


2024年4月17日—OpentheAppleMusicapp.·Inthemenubar,chooseMusic>Settings.·ClicktheFilestab,thenclickImportSettings.·Clickthemenunextto ...,ImportmusicfromacomputertoMusiconMac·IntheMusicapponyourMac,chooseFile>AddToLibraryorFile>Import.Ifyouselected“CopyfilestoMusic ...,ImportmusicfromacomputertoAppleMusiconWindowsIntheAppleMusicapponyourWindowscomputer,selecttheSidebarActionsbuttonatthe...