Trim Videos using LosslessCut

2023年6月15日—Yes,therearevideocutting/trimmingtoolsthatcanperformlosslesscutsoninterframe-compressedMP4videosattheframelevel.Onesuchtool ...,2023年10月7日—LosslessCutisprobablythesimplestwaytocutoutpartsofavideowithouthavingtore-encodeitoruseano...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Are there any video cuttingtrimming that can losslessly ...

2023年6月15日 — Yes, there are video cutting/trimming tools that can perform lossless cuts on interframe-compressed MP4 videos at the frame level. One such tool ...

Lossless Cut is my new favourite tool to cut parts from a ...

2023年10月7日 — Lossless Cut is probably the simplest way to cut out parts of a video without having to re-encode it or use an online service.

Lossless Video Cutter

無損視頻切割器是一種工具應用程序,用於剪切視頻文件,例如用智能手機高速拍攝的mp4文件而不會降級。 您可以通過選擇要剪切的區域立即剪切,並發佈 ...


Cut out commercials from a recorded TV show (and re-format from TS to MP4) · Remove audio tracks from a file · Extract music track from a video and cut it to your ...

LosslessCut 3.61.1 Free Download

Losslessly cut out parts of video/audio (for cutting away commercials etc.) Losslessly rearrange the order of video/audio segments. Lossless merge/concatenation ...

LosslessCut 3.61.1 免安裝中文版

2024年5月28日 — Simple and ultra fast cross platform tool for lossless trimming/cutting of video and audio files. Great for saving space by rough cutting your ...

LosslessCut download

The main feature is lossless trimming and cutting of video and audio files, which is great for saving space by rough-cutting your large video files taken from a ...

LosslessCut v3.61.1 繁體中文版

2024年5月28日 — LosslessCut 原文簡介:. The program is a simple, Open Source, cross-platform video editor for lossless trimming and cutting of videos. This ...


Example lossless use cases · Cut out commercials from a recorded TV show (and re-format from TS to MP4) · Remove audio tracks from a file · Extract music track ...


2023年6月15日—Yes,therearevideocutting/trimmingtoolsthatcanperformlosslesscutsoninterframe-compressedMP4videosattheframelevel.Onesuchtool ...,2023年10月7日—LosslessCutisprobablythesimplestwaytocutoutpartsofavideowithouthavingtore-encodeitoruseanonlineservice.,無損視頻切割器是一種工具應用程序,用於剪切視頻文件,例如用智能手機高速拍攝的mp4文件而不會降級。您可以通過選擇要剪切的區域立即剪切,並發...